Find documentation for the Docs here
NFT Client. Repo in nft-client
OR github/sigal-kinetics/nft-game
The bot possesses the following environment variables:
-> The token for your discord bot (when we publish our bot/client this will be implemented differently)
This repository/replit also possesses some other environment variables:
-> The user's tokendiscorddeveloperportal
-> A quick link to the admin section for the user's discord bot
These environment variables are set in the but can also be set in a .env
My goal for this is as follows:
- Be able to interact with any game's API in Discord/Matrix, the terminal and in a web format
- Explore how this can relate to my team's Game Engine Project
- Build some form of NFTs into this platform
Different games and platforms have differing levels of what you can do with their APIs, but I'm wanting to create a way that each game can be interacted with similarly (again, see our Game Engine Project and the [NFT Docs]).
Python Modules/Libaries
** No Man's Sky Info **
- No Man's Sky Community Developers
- No Man's Sky Assistant App --> Not really to do with the game API but still interacting with the NMS community "API"
- No Man's Sky adds Vulkan API Support
** Minecraft **
Controlling Games with APIs
** Interacting with game components**