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Magic Configs

Magic Configs #250

Workflow file for this run

name: Validate Board Files
on: [pull_request]
name: Validate JSON Schemas
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
# Schema Docs:
# - name: Validate Board JSON
# uses: lorennorman/validate-json-action@master
# with:
# schema: /boards/schema.json
# jsons: boards/*/definition.json
- name: Validate Magic JSON
uses: lorennorman/validate-json-action@master
schema: /boards/magic_schema.json
jsons: boards/*/magic.json
# check-user-permissions:
# name: Check Write Permission
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# outputs:
# # Extract the permission for later jobs to use
# has-write-permission: ${{ steps.set-permission.outputs.has-permission }}
# steps:
# - uses: octokit/[email protected]
# id: fetch-permissions
# with:
# route: GET /repos/${{ github.repository }}/collaborators/${{ }}/permission
# env:
# - id: set-permission
# if: fromJson( == 'admin' || fromJson( == 'write'
# run: echo "has-permission=true" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
# changed-files:
# name: List Changed Files
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# outputs:
# # All files that were Added, Copied, Modified, or Renamed
# files: ${{ steps.list-changed-files.outputs.all_changed_files }}
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: List Changed Board Files
# id: list-changed-files
# uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v37
# validate-expected-filenames:
# name: Validate Filenames
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# needs:
# - changed-files
# - check-user-permissions
# env:
# FILES: ${{ needs.changed-files.outputs.files }}
# CAN_WRITE_TO_REPO: ${{ needs.check-user-permissions.outputs.has-write-permission }}
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Validate Only Expected Filenames
# run: |
# # TODO: break these regexes up into modular chunks that check specific things for readability and composability
# # external contributors can modify some files
# EXTERNAL_REGEX="^boards\/.*\/(definition\.json|magic\.json|((image|images\/(boot-(drive|loader)|drag-drop|reset|usb))\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg)))$"
# # folks with write access to the repo (Adafruit team) can change more sensitive files
# INTERNAL_REGEX="^(\.github\/.*|boards\/(schema.json|magic_schema.json|.*\/(definition\.json|magic\.json|((image|images\/(boot-(drive|loader)|drag-drop|reset|usb))\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg)))))$"
# # apply the appropriate regex based on permissions of the user
# if [[ $CAN_WRITE_TO_REPO ]]; then
# board_definition_regex=$INTERNAL_REGEX
# else
# board_definition_regex=$EXTERNAL_REGEX
# fi
# echo $FILES
# for FILE in $FILES; do
# if [[ $FILE =~ $board_definition_regex ]]; then
# echo "✅ $FILE"
# else
# echo "❌ $FILE"
# fi
# done
# exit $EXIT_VALUE
# validate-image-extension-mimetype-agreement:
# name: Validate Extensions Match Mimetypes
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# needs:
# - changed-files
# - validate-expected-filenames
# env:
# FILES: ${{ needs.changed-files.outputs.files }}
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Validate Image File Extension<->Mimetype Agreement
# run: |
# for FILE in $FILES; do
# if ! [[ $FILE =~ \.(svg|jpe?g|png)$ ]]; then
# continue # non-image file
# fi
# # extract each file's mimetype and extension
# MIME=`file -b --mime-type $FILE`
# EXT="${FILE##*.}"
# # ad-hoc check that extension matches mimetype
# if [[ "image/$EXT" == $MIME || ($EXT == "jpg" && $MIME == "image/jpeg") || ($EXT == "svg" && ($MIME == "image/svg+xml" || $MIME == "text/xml")) ]]; then
# # Match!
# echo "✅ $FILE"
# else
# # Doesn't match? Give helpful report
# # split the mimetype on '/'
# IFS='/'
# read -a SPLIT_MIME <<< "$MIME"
# IFS=' '
# # take the last item
# if [[ "$MIME_EXT" == "xml" ]]; then
# MIME_EXT="svg"
# elif [[ "$MIME_EXT" == "jpeg" ]]; then
# MIME_EXT="jpg"
# fi
# echo "❌ $FILE: expected extension .$MIME_EXT"
# fi
# done
# if [[ $EXIT_VALUE = 1 ]]; then
# echo "Fix these ☝️ issues by renaming each ❌ file to the indicated extension."
# fi
# exit $EXIT_VALUE
# validate-image-dimensions:
# name: Validate Image Dimensions
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# needs:
# - changed-files
# - validate-image-extension-mimetype-agreement
# env:
# FILES: ${{ needs.changed-files.outputs.files }}
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - uses: mfinelli/setup-imagemagick@v2
# - name: Validate Image Dimensions
# run: |
# for FILE in $FILES; do
# if ! [[ $FILE =~ \.(svg|jpe?g|png)$ ]]; then
# continue # non-image file
# fi
# # use imagemagick for the width
# WIDTH=`identify -ping -format "%w" ${FILE}[0]`
# BAD_WIDTH=false
# if [[ "$WIDTH" -gt "$MAX_WIDTH" ]]; then
# BAD_WIDTH=true
# fi
# # use imagemagick for the height
# HEIGHT=`identify -ping -format "%h" ${FILE}[0]`
# BAD_HEIGHT=false
# if [[ "$HEIGHT" -gt "$MAX_HEIGHT" ]]; then
# fi
# if [[ $BAD_WIDTH = true || $BAD_HEIGHT = true ]]; then
# echo "❌ $FILE (${WIDTH}x${HEIGHT})"
# if [[ $BAD_WIDTH = true ]]; then
# echo " ↔️ width must be 800 pixels or less"
# fi
# if [[ $BAD_HEIGHT = true ]]; then
# echo " ↕️ height must be 2000 pixels or less"
# fi
# else
# echo "✅ $FILE (${WIDTH}x${HEIGHT})"
# fi
# done
# if [[ $EXIT_VALUE = 1 ]]; then
# echo "Fix these ☝️ issues by resizing each ❌ image to fit within ${MAX_WIDTH}x${MAX_HEIGHT}."
# fi
# exit $EXIT_VALUE
# validate-image-file-sizes:
# name: Validate Image File Sizes
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# needs:
# - changed-files
# - validate-image-dimensions
# env:
# FILES: ${{ needs.changed-files.outputs.files }}
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Validate Image File Sizes
# run: |
# MAX_FILESIZE=$((400*1024)) # 400kb
# MAX_ANIGIF_FILESIZE=$((1000*1024)) # 1MB
# for FILE in $FILES; do
# if ! [[ $FILE =~ \.(svg|jpe?g|png)$ ]]; then
# continue # non-image file
# fi
# FILESIZE=$(stat -c%s "$FILE")
# if [[ $FILE == *loader.gif ]]; then
# else
# fi
# if [[ "$FILESIZE" -gt "$MAX" ]]; then
# echo "❌ $FILE ($FILESIZE)"
# else
# echo "✅ $FILE ($FILESIZE)"
# fi
# done
# if [[ $EXIT_VALUE = 1 ]]; then
# echo "Fix these issues ☝️ by compressing each ❌ file to be smaller than 400KB (1MB for boot-loader.gif animations). You can try:"
# echo "- shrinking the image's dimensions"
# echo "- using an image compressor"
# echo "- exporting at lower quality settings (png or jpg)"
# echo "- exporting a different image format:"
# echo " - photos are best saved as jpg"
# echo " - screenshots and digital images are best saved as png"
# echo " - svg might be efficient for images with few colors and simple shapes"
# echo " - gif should only be used when animation is needed (i.e. the boot-loader image)"
# fi
# exit $EXIT_VALUE