There are many spanning tree based termination detection algorithms in the distributed systems literature. Of all of them we have shortlisted the following three algorithms for analysis:
- Rodney. W. Topor
- Chandrashekhar Venkatesan
- R.K Arora & M.N Gupta
Below mentioned is the brief introduction on the above three algorithms.
Each leaf process after it has terminated, sends its token to its parent. When a parent process terminates and after it has received a token from each of its children, it sends a token to its parent. This way, each process indicates to its parent process that the sub-tree below it has terminated. In a similar manner, the tokens get propagated to the root. The root of the tree concludes that termination has occurred, after it has received a token from each of its children. In order to enable the root node to know that a node in its children’s sub-tree, that was assumed to be terminated, has become active due to a message, a coloring scheme for tokens and nodes is used. All tokens are initialized to WHITE. If a process had sent a message to some other process, it sends a BLACK token to its parent on termination, otherwise, it sends a WHITE token on termination.
Chandrashekhar Venkatesan
An extension of Rodney.W.Topor, where instead of sending a black token the sender will wait for an acknowledge from reciever stating the reciever bcame idle.
R.K Arora & M.N Gupta
Addresses the unneccsary idle wait issue in Rodney by choosing 2 different phase: detection and termination. whenever a node is terminated it will send termination message stating it is in passive state and when it again becomes active a new detection message is sent and the parent will wait for its corresponding termination message again.
- For “N” nodes we create (N+1) OpenMPI processes.
- Process with Rank=0 will be a master/manager process.
- Processes with ranks 1 to N will represent N nodes of the MST.
- As naming convention, we call master/manager process as MASTER and others as WORKER processes respectively.
- In OpenMPI, we only use MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator for blocking send and receive communications between processes.
- Types of nodes: RootNode, InternalNode, LeafNode
MASTER Process
- Reads the input data file containing the graph.
- Instantiate a Graph object and saved the input graph in it, for further computations.
- Runs Kruskal's algorithm with a Union-Find data structure to compute the MST as an adjacency list.
- From the adjacency list identify the list of child nodes for each node in the spanning tree.
- Computes the routing table for the MST for nodes to send messages among themselves.
- For each node in the MST send the RootNode, ChildNodes and Routing Array, specific to that node/process only.
- Generate a random compute message, with a source & destination selected randomly, and send it to the source node WORKER process.
- Wait for MSG_DONE message from the RootNode indicating the termination detection algorithm is completed.
- Send MSG_KILL message to all the WORKER processes to terminate them gracefully.
WORKER Process
- Instantiate a Node object.
- Receive all the MSG_CONFIG messages from the MASTER & store them in the Node object.
- If the current WORKER process rank matches the COMPUTE message source node, then the compute message is saved, otherwise discarded.
- The WORKER node then start executing a computations loop (which would randomly take any time between 1 to 5 seconds).
- During the computations, the node will check if it has any saved compute message.
- If its there, then it sends the messages using the routing array, and mark its token color as BLACK. Now it is a BLACK process.
- All the leaf WORKER nodes, after their respective computations are done, will start the termination detection by sending MSG_TOKEN to their parent node.
- All the internal nodes will wait until they have received MSG_TOKEN messages from all their child nodes.
- Once received if there is a BLACK token among them, then forward the same to the parent node. Otherwise, send a WHITE token to the parent node.
- A BLACK process, after sending it BLACK token to the parent node, will mark its token as WHITE.
- The Root WORKER node will wait for the tokens from all the child nodes.
- Once received if there is a BLACK token in them, then it will initiate a REPEAT signal to all the child nodes.
- Once this REPEAT signal reaches the leaf node, the leaf node will re-initiate termination detection algorithm again.
- After the Root node has received all the WHITE tokens from all its child nodes, it will send MSG_DONE message to the MASTER process.
- Once the message MSG_KILL is received – stop and exit the WORKER process.
Operating System: Mac OSX / Linux
Package Installer : Homebrew/apt-get
Compiler : mpic++
Scripting : python3
Additonal Packages : OpenMPI
- Given below is the source tree for the current project.
├── Makefile ├── ├── bin │ └── ├── obj │ └── ├── ├── src │ ├── │ ├── Graph.cpp │ ├── Graph.h │ ├── Node.cpp │ ├── Node.h │ ├── TerminationDetection.cpp │ ├── TerminationDetection.h │ └── main.cpp └── test ├── input_1.txt └── input_2.txt
- './src/' : Directory containing all the source code & utility files.
- './obj/' : Directory containing all temporary object files.
- './bin/' : Directory containing the executable binary files.
- './test/' : Directory containing the test data
- Graph.h/cpp : A class implementing the graph algorithm for computing Minimum Spanning Tree.
- Node.h/cpp : A class defining the Process Node and its internal methods.
- TerminationDetection.h/cpp : Files having all the computations/algorithms for termination detection.
- main.cpp : File having the main() function from the program is initiated.
- : A wrapper script to compile & build all the binaries, and also initiate the execution run.
Sample input file format:
##################################################### # Input file format for the creation of graph # <no_of_nodes> # <source_vertex> <destination_vertex> <edge_weight> # <source_vertex> <destination_vertex> <edge_weight> # ... ##################################################### 11 1 2 10 1 3 7 1 4 6 2 3 4 2 4 3 2 5 8 2 6 11 3 8 6 4 9 5 5 6 5 5 7 5 5 9 2 6 8 2 6 11 13 7 10 6 7 11 9 8 11 7 9 10 17
Sample Execution Run:
- Use the wrapper script to build and execute the binaries.
- Go to the implementation directory and run the following command
./ <input_file>$ ./ test/input_1.txt [INFO] Building binaries ... [MAKE] Cleaning all the object files and binaries. [MAKE] Compiled src/Graph.cpp successfully. [MAKE] Compiled src/Node.cpp successfully. [MAKE] Compiled src/TerminationDetection.cpp successfully. [MAKE] Linking Complete. [INFO] No of Nodes in the given graph: 11 [INFO] Initiating Termination Detection with 12 processes (1 process per node and 1 additional master/manager process). [INFO] MASTER Process configuring and setting the process(s) environment [INFO] Displaying MST of the given graph as an Adjacency List: 1 -> 4 2 -> 4,3 3 -> 2 4 -> 2,9,1 5 -> 9,6,7 6 -> 8,5 7 -> 5,10 8 -> 6,11 9 -> 5,4 10 -> 7 11 -> 8 [INFO] Root Node: 2 [INFO] Node[10] is done with internal computations [INFO] LeafNode[10] initiating Termination Detection [INFO] Node[4] is done with internal computations [INFO] Node[5] is done with internal computations [INFO] Node[6] is done with internal computations [INFO] Node[11] is done with internal computations [INFO] LeafNode[11] initiating Termination Detection [INFO] Node[2] is done with internal computations [INFO] Node[9] is done with internal computations [INFO] Node[3] is done with internal computations [INFO] LeafNode[3] initiating Termination Detection [INFO] RootNode[2] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[3] [INFO] Node[1] is done with internal computations [INFO] LeafNode[1] initiating Termination Detection [INFO] InternalNode[4] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[1] [INFO] Node[8] sent a COMPUTE message to Node[7] [INFO] Node[8] is done with internal computations [INFO] InternalNode[8] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[11] [INFO] InternalNode[8] Received all tokens from child nodes. Sending Token[0] to ParentNode[6] [INFO] InternalNode[6] Received Token[0] from ChildNode[8] [INFO] InternalNode[6] Received all tokens from child nodes. Sending Token[0] to ParentNode[5] [INFO] InternalNode[5] Received Token[0] from ChildNode[6] [INFO] Node[7] is done with internal computations [INFO] InternalNode[7] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[10] [INFO] InternalNode[7] Received all tokens from child nodes. Sending Token[1] to ParentNode[5] [INFO] InternalNode[5] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[7] [INFO] InternalNode[5] Received all tokens from child nodes. Sending Token[0] to ParentNode[9] [INFO] InternalNode[7] Received the COMPUTE message from Node[8] [INFO] InternalNode[9] Received Token[0] from ChildNode[5] [INFO] InternalNode[9] Received all tokens from child nodes. Sending Token[0] to ParentNode[4] [INFO] InternalNode[4] Received Token[0] from ChildNode[9] [INFO] InternalNode[4] Received all tokens from child nodes. Sending Token[0] to ParentNode[2] [INFO] RootNode[2] Received Token[0] from ChildNode[4] [INFO] RootNode[2] Received a BLACK token. Initiating REPEAT Signal [INFO] RootNode[2] Sent REPEAT Signal to ChildNode[4] [INFO] RootNode[2] Sent REPEAT Signal to ChildNode[3] [INFO] InternalNode[4] Received a REPEAT request from ParentNode[2] [INFO] InternalNode[4] Forwarding REPEAT signal to ChildNode[9] [INFO] InternalNode[4] Forwarding REPEAT signal to ChildNode[1] [INFO] LeafNode[1] Received a REPEAT request from ParentNode[4] [INFO] LeafNode[1] initiating Termination Detection [INFO] RootNode[2] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[3] [INFO] LeafNode[3] Received a REPEAT request from ParentNode[2] [INFO] LeafNode[3] initiating Termination Detection [INFO] InternalNode[4] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[1] [INFO] InternalNode[5] Received a REPEAT request from ParentNode[9] [INFO] InternalNode[5] Forwarding REPEAT signal to ChildNode[6] [INFO] InternalNode[5] Forwarding REPEAT signal to ChildNode[7] [INFO] InternalNode[9] Received a REPEAT request from ParentNode[4] [INFO] InternalNode[9] Forwarding REPEAT signal to ChildNode[5] [INFO] InternalNode[6] Received a REPEAT request from ParentNode[5] [INFO] InternalNode[6] Forwarding REPEAT signal to ChildNode[8] [INFO] InternalNode[7] Received a REPEAT request from ParentNode[5] [INFO] InternalNode[7] Forwarding REPEAT signal to ChildNode[10] [INFO] InternalNode[7] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[10] [INFO] InternalNode[7] Received all tokens from child nodes. Sending Token[1] to ParentNode[5] [INFO] InternalNode[8] Received a REPEAT request from ParentNode[6] [INFO] InternalNode[8] Forwarding REPEAT signal to ChildNode[11] [INFO] InternalNode[8] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[11] [INFO] InternalNode[8] Received all tokens from child nodes. Sending Token[1] to ParentNode[6] [INFO] LeafNode[10] Received a REPEAT request from ParentNode[7] [INFO] LeafNode[10] initiating Termination Detection [INFO] InternalNode[5] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[7] [INFO] InternalNode[5] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[6] [INFO] InternalNode[5] Received all tokens from child nodes. Sending Token[1] to ParentNode[9] [INFO] InternalNode[6] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[8] [INFO] InternalNode[6] Received all tokens from child nodes. Sending Token[1] to ParentNode[5] [INFO] LeafNode[11] Received a REPEAT request from ParentNode[8] [INFO] LeafNode[11] initiating Termination Detection [INFO] RootNode[2] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[4] [INFO] RootNode[2] Received all tokens from child nodes [INFO] InternalNode[4] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[9] [INFO] InternalNode[4] Received all tokens from child nodes. Sending Token[1] to ParentNode[2] [INFO] InternalNode[9] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[5] [INFO] InternalNode[9] Received all tokens from child nodes. Sending Token[1] to ParentNode[4] [INFO] Termination Detection completed $
Trace Messages:
[INFO] -> Informational traces [MAKE] -> Build traces [ERROR] -> Error traces [USAGE] -> Command usage