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Spanning Tree Based Termination Detection

NOTE: Presentation video is available in the "presentation" folder of this repository.


There are many spanning tree based termination detection algorithms in the distributed systems literature. Of all of them we have shortlisted the following three algorithms for analysis:

  • Rodney. W. Topor
  • Chandrashekhar Venkatesan
  • R.K Arora & M.N Gupta

Below mentioned is the brief introduction on the above three algorithms.

Each leaf process after it has terminated, sends its token to its parent. When a parent process terminates and after it has received a token from each of its children, it sends a token to its parent. This way, each process indicates to its parent process that the sub-tree below it has terminated. In a similar manner, the tokens get propagated to the root. The root of the tree concludes that termination has occurred, after it has received a token from each of its children. In order to enable the root node to know that a node in its children’s sub-tree, that was assumed to be terminated, has become active due to a message, a coloring scheme for tokens and nodes is used. All tokens are initialized to WHITE. If a process had sent a message to some other process, it sends a BLACK token to its parent on termination, otherwise, it sends a WHITE token on termination.

Chandrashekhar Venkatesan
An extension of Rodney.W.Topor, where instead of sending a black token the sender will wait for an acknowledge from reciever stating the reciever bcame idle.

R.K Arora & M.N Gupta
Addresses the unneccsary idle wait issue in Rodney by choosing 2 different phase: detection and termination. whenever a node is terminated it will send termination message stating it is in passive state and when it again becomes active a new detection message is sent and the parent will wait for its corresponding termination message again.

Solution Approach


  • For “N” nodes we create (N+1) OpenMPI processes.
  • Process with Rank=0 will be a master/manager process.
  • Processes with ranks 1 to N will represent N nodes of the MST.
  • As naming convention, we call master/manager process as MASTER and others as WORKER processes respectively.
  • In OpenMPI, we only use MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator for blocking send and receive communications between processes.
  • Types of nodes: RootNode, InternalNode, LeafNode

MASTER Process

  • Reads the input data file containing the graph.
  • Instantiate a Graph object and saved the input graph in it, for further computations.
  • Runs Kruskal's algorithm with a Union-Find data structure to compute the MST as an adjacency list.
  • From the adjacency list identify the list of child nodes for each node in the spanning tree.
  • Computes the routing table for the MST for nodes to send messages among themselves.
  • For each node in the MST send the RootNode, ChildNodes and Routing Array, specific to that node/process only.
  • Generate a random compute message, with a source & destination selected randomly, and send it to the source node WORKER process.
  • Wait for MSG_DONE message from the RootNode indicating the termination detection algorithm is completed.
  • Send MSG_KILL message to all the WORKER processes to terminate them gracefully.

WORKER Process

  • Instantiate a Node object.
  • Receive all the MSG_CONFIG messages from the MASTER & store them in the Node object.
  • If the current WORKER process rank matches the COMPUTE message source node, then the compute message is saved, otherwise discarded.
  • The WORKER node then start executing a computations loop (which would randomly take any time between 1 to 5 seconds).
  • During the computations, the node will check if it has any saved compute message.
  • If its there, then it sends the messages using the routing array, and mark its token color as BLACK. Now it is a BLACK process.
  • All the leaf WORKER nodes, after their respective computations are done, will start the termination detection by sending MSG_TOKEN to their parent node.
  • All the internal nodes will wait until they have received MSG_TOKEN messages from all their child nodes.
  • Once received if there is a BLACK token among them, then forward the same to the parent node. Otherwise, send a WHITE token to the parent node.
  • A BLACK process, after sending it BLACK token to the parent node, will mark its token as WHITE.
  • The Root WORKER node will wait for the tokens from all the child nodes.
  • Once received if there is a BLACK token in them, then it will initiate a REPEAT signal to all the child nodes.
  • Once this REPEAT signal reaches the leaf node, the leaf node will re-initiate termination detection algorithm again.
  • After the Root node has received all the WHITE tokens from all its child nodes, it will send MSG_DONE message to the MASTER process.
  • Once the message MSG_KILL is received – stop and exit the WORKER process.

Environment Details

Operating System: Mac OSX / Linux
Package Installer : Homebrew/apt-get
Compiler : mpic++
Scripting : python3
Additonal Packages : OpenMPI

Source Tree

  • Given below is the source tree for the current project.
├── Makefile
├── bin
│   └──
├── obj
│   └──
├── src
│   ├──
│   ├── Graph.cpp
│   ├── Graph.h
│   ├── Node.cpp
│   ├── Node.h
│   ├── TerminationDetection.cpp
│   ├── TerminationDetection.h
│   └── main.cpp
└── test
    ├── input_1.txt
    └── input_2.txt
  • './src/' : Directory containing all the source code & utility files.
  • './obj/' : Directory containing all temporary object files.
  • './bin/' : Directory containing the executable binary files.
  • './test/' : Directory containing the test data
  • Graph.h/cpp : A class implementing the graph algorithm for computing Minimum Spanning Tree.
  • Node.h/cpp : A class defining the Process Node and its internal methods.
  • TerminationDetection.h/cpp : Files having all the computations/algorithms for termination detection.
  • main.cpp : File having the main() function from the program is initiated.
  • : A wrapper script to compile & build all the binaries, and also initiate the execution run.

Input Data Format & Execution Runs

Sample input file format:

# Input file format for the creation of graph
# <no_of_nodes>
# <source_vertex> <destination_vertex> <edge_weight>
# <source_vertex> <destination_vertex> <edge_weight>
# ...
1 2 10
1 3 7
1 4 6
2 3 4
2 4 3
2 5 8
2 6 11
3 8 6
4 9 5
5 6 5
5 7 5
5 9 2
6 8 2
6 11 13
7 10 6
7 11 9
8 11 7
9 10 17

Sample Execution Run:

  • Use the wrapper script to build and execute the binaries.
  • Go to the implementation directory and run the following command
    ./ <input_file>
$ ./ test/input_1.txt
[INFO] Building binaries ...
[MAKE] Cleaning all the object files and binaries.
[MAKE] Compiled src/Graph.cpp successfully.
[MAKE] Compiled src/Node.cpp successfully.
[MAKE] Compiled src/TerminationDetection.cpp successfully.
[MAKE] Linking Complete.
[INFO] No of Nodes in the given graph: 11
[INFO] Initiating Termination Detection with 12 processes (1 process per node and 1 additional master/manager process).
[INFO] MASTER Process configuring and setting the process(s) environment
[INFO] Displaying MST of the given graph as an Adjacency List:
1 -> 4
2 -> 4,3
3 -> 2
4 -> 2,9,1
5 -> 9,6,7
6 -> 8,5
7 -> 5,10
8 -> 6,11
9 -> 5,4
10 -> 7
11 -> 8
[INFO] Root Node: 2
[INFO] Node[10] is done with internal computations
[INFO] LeafNode[10] initiating Termination Detection
[INFO] Node[4] is done with internal computations
[INFO] Node[5] is done with internal computations
[INFO] Node[6] is done with internal computations
[INFO] Node[11] is done with internal computations
[INFO] LeafNode[11] initiating Termination Detection
[INFO] Node[2] is done with internal computations
[INFO] Node[9] is done with internal computations
[INFO] Node[3] is done with internal computations
[INFO] LeafNode[3] initiating Termination Detection
[INFO] RootNode[2] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[3]
[INFO] Node[1] is done with internal computations
[INFO] LeafNode[1] initiating Termination Detection
[INFO] InternalNode[4] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[1]
[INFO] Node[8] sent a COMPUTE message to Node[7]
[INFO] Node[8] is done with internal computations
[INFO] InternalNode[8] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[11]
[INFO] InternalNode[8] Received all tokens from child nodes. Sending Token[0] to ParentNode[6]
[INFO] InternalNode[6] Received Token[0] from ChildNode[8]
[INFO] InternalNode[6] Received all tokens from child nodes. Sending Token[0] to ParentNode[5]
[INFO] InternalNode[5] Received Token[0] from ChildNode[6]
[INFO] Node[7] is done with internal computations
[INFO] InternalNode[7] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[10]
[INFO] InternalNode[7] Received all tokens from child nodes. Sending Token[1] to ParentNode[5]
[INFO] InternalNode[5] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[7]
[INFO] InternalNode[5] Received all tokens from child nodes. Sending Token[0] to ParentNode[9]
[INFO] InternalNode[7] Received the COMPUTE message from Node[8]
[INFO] InternalNode[9] Received Token[0] from ChildNode[5]
[INFO] InternalNode[9] Received all tokens from child nodes. Sending Token[0] to ParentNode[4]
[INFO] InternalNode[4] Received Token[0] from ChildNode[9]
[INFO] InternalNode[4] Received all tokens from child nodes. Sending Token[0] to ParentNode[2]
[INFO] RootNode[2] Received Token[0] from ChildNode[4]
[INFO] RootNode[2] Received a BLACK token. Initiating REPEAT Signal
[INFO] RootNode[2] Sent REPEAT Signal to ChildNode[4]
[INFO] RootNode[2] Sent REPEAT Signal to ChildNode[3]
[INFO] InternalNode[4] Received a REPEAT request from ParentNode[2]
[INFO] InternalNode[4] Forwarding REPEAT signal to ChildNode[9]
[INFO] InternalNode[4] Forwarding REPEAT signal to ChildNode[1]
[INFO] LeafNode[1] Received a REPEAT request from ParentNode[4]
[INFO] LeafNode[1] initiating Termination Detection
[INFO] RootNode[2] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[3]
[INFO] LeafNode[3] Received a REPEAT request from ParentNode[2]
[INFO] LeafNode[3] initiating Termination Detection
[INFO] InternalNode[4] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[1]
[INFO] InternalNode[5] Received a REPEAT request from ParentNode[9]
[INFO] InternalNode[5] Forwarding REPEAT signal to ChildNode[6]
[INFO] InternalNode[5] Forwarding REPEAT signal to ChildNode[7]
[INFO] InternalNode[9] Received a REPEAT request from ParentNode[4]
[INFO] InternalNode[9] Forwarding REPEAT signal to ChildNode[5]
[INFO] InternalNode[6] Received a REPEAT request from ParentNode[5]
[INFO] InternalNode[6] Forwarding REPEAT signal to ChildNode[8]
[INFO] InternalNode[7] Received a REPEAT request from ParentNode[5]
[INFO] InternalNode[7] Forwarding REPEAT signal to ChildNode[10]
[INFO] InternalNode[7] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[10]
[INFO] InternalNode[7] Received all tokens from child nodes. Sending Token[1] to ParentNode[5]
[INFO] InternalNode[8] Received a REPEAT request from ParentNode[6]
[INFO] InternalNode[8] Forwarding REPEAT signal to ChildNode[11]
[INFO] InternalNode[8] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[11]
[INFO] InternalNode[8] Received all tokens from child nodes. Sending Token[1] to ParentNode[6]
[INFO] LeafNode[10] Received a REPEAT request from ParentNode[7]
[INFO] LeafNode[10] initiating Termination Detection
[INFO] InternalNode[5] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[7]
[INFO] InternalNode[5] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[6]
[INFO] InternalNode[5] Received all tokens from child nodes. Sending Token[1] to ParentNode[9]
[INFO] InternalNode[6] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[8]
[INFO] InternalNode[6] Received all tokens from child nodes. Sending Token[1] to ParentNode[5]
[INFO] LeafNode[11] Received a REPEAT request from ParentNode[8]
[INFO] LeafNode[11] initiating Termination Detection
[INFO] RootNode[2] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[4]
[INFO] RootNode[2] Received all tokens from child nodes
[INFO] InternalNode[4] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[9]
[INFO] InternalNode[4] Received all tokens from child nodes. Sending Token[1] to ParentNode[2]
[INFO] InternalNode[9] Received Token[1] from ChildNode[5]
[INFO] InternalNode[9] Received all tokens from child nodes. Sending Token[1] to ParentNode[4]
[INFO] Termination Detection completed

Trace Messages:

[INFO]  -> Informational traces
[MAKE]  -> Build traces
[ERROR] -> Error traces
[USAGE] -> Command usage


Spanning Tree Based Termination Detection






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