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Export service to output ADS records with various formats including BibTex, AASTex, and multiple tagged and xml options


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ADS Export Service

Short Summary

This microservice exports ADS records with various formats including BibTex, AASTex, and multiple fielded and xml options.

Setup (recommended)

$ virtualenv python
$ source python/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
$ vim # edit, edit


On your desktop run:

$ py.test


POST a request:

To get e.g. BibTeX for a set of records you do a POST request to the endpoint

within the POST header payload is defined as

{"bibcode":["<bibcode1>","<bibcode2>", ...]}

For example to get the BibTeX for the record with bibcode 2015ApJS..219...21Z, you would do

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <your API token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"bibcode":["2015ApJS..219...21Z"]}'

and the API then responds in JSON with

{u'msg': u'Retrieved 1 abstracts, starting with number 1.  Total number selected: 1.', u'export': u'@ARTICLE{2015ApJS..219...21Z,\n   author = {{Zhang}, M. and {Fang}, M. and {Wang}, H. and {Sun}, J. and \n\t{Wang}, M. and {Jiang}, Z. and {Anathipindika}, S.},\n    title = "{A Deep Near-infrared Survey toward the Aquila Molecular Cloud. I. Molecular Hydrogen Outflows}",\n  journal = {\\apjs},\narchivePrefix = "arXiv",\n   eprint = {1506.08372},\n primaryClass = "astro-ph.SR",\n keywords = {infrared: ISM, ISM: jets and outflows, shock waves, stars: formation, stars: winds, outflows},\n     year = 2015,\n    month = aug,\n   volume = 219,\n      eid = {21},\n    pages = {21},\n      doi = {10.1088/0067-0049/219/2/21},\n   adsurl = {},\n  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}\n}\n\n'}

Note that there is an optional parameter sort for sorting the records from solr. The default sort option (if omitted) is by date desc, bibcode desc. For example

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <your API token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"bibcode":["2015ApJS..219...21Z", "2018AAS...23221409A"], "sort":"bibcode desc"}'

To return the records in the exact order of input bibcode list, set sort to no sort.

1. For the following endpoints output is in tagged format:
  • /bibtex BibTeX reference list
  • /bibtexabs BibTeX with abstracts
  • /ads Generic tagged abstracts
  • /endnote EndNote format
  • /procite ProCite format
  • /ris Refman format
  • /refworks RefWorks format
  • /medlars MEDLARS format

Note that for endpoints /bibtex and /bibtexabs optional parameters maxauthor, authorcutoff, keyformat and journalformat can be passed in.

  • maxauthor is maxinum number of authors displayed. The default values for maxauthor for /bibtex and /bibtexabs respectivley are 10 and 0, where 0 means all.

  • authorcutoff is the threshold for truncating number of authors. If the number of authors is larger than authorcutoff, author list is truncated and maxauthor number of authors will be returned followed by et al.. If authorcutoff is not specified, the default of 200 is used.

  • keyformat allows user to customize bibtex key and could contain some combination of authors' last name(s), publication year, journal, and bibcode. User is now able to pick the key generation algorithm by specifying a custom format for it. To provide a specific example, this is our default format for 2019AAS...23338108A:

         author = {{Accomazzi}, Alberto and {Kurtz}, Michael J. and {Henneken}, Edwin and

    In addition keyformat accepts specifier %zm to enumerate keys (one character alphabet) should duplicate keys get created. Note that if enumeration specifier is not included, even if duplicate key are found, service does not enumerate the keys.

    Now user can define one of the following:

      Accomazzi:2019              -- %1H:%Y
      Accomazzi:2019:AAS          -- %1H:%Y:%q
      Accomazzi2019               -- %1H%Y
      Accomazzi2019AAS            -- %1H%Y%q
      AccomazziKurtz2019          -- %2H%Y
2. For the following endpoints output is in xml format:
  • /dcxml Dublin Core XML
  • /refxml XML references
  • /refabsxml XML with abstracts
  • /votable VOTables
  • /rss RSS
  • /jatsxml JATS Journal Publishing XML

Note that for endpoint /rss an optional parameter link can be passed in. link is the query url that generated the bibcodes.

For example querying ADS Bumblebee for

author:"accomazzi" and year:2018

at the end of March 2018, returns the following 4 bibcodes, and generates the url as specified below:

{"bibcode":["2018arXiv180303598K","2018arXiv180101021FB","2018AAS...23136217A","2018AAS...23130709A"], "link":""}

which can be passed as payload to /rss endpoint.

3. For the following Citation Style Language Format endpoints output is in latex format:
  • /aastex AASTeX format
  • /icarus Icarus format
  • /mnras MNRAS format
  • /soph SoPh format
  • /aspc ASP Conference Series format
  • /aasj AAS Journals format

Note that for the endpoints /aastex there is an optional parameter journalformat which allows user to decide on the format of journal name. 1 indicates to use AASTeX macros if there are any (default), otherwise full journal name is exported. 2 means use journal abbreviations and 3 means use full journal name.

4. For the following Citation Style Language Format endpoints output is in text format:
  • /apsj APS Journals format
  • /ieee IEEE format
  • /agu AGU Journals format
  • /gsa GSA format
  • /ams AMS (Meteorological) format
5. Using the /csl endpoint for Citation Style Language Formats:

The /csl endpoint allows various citation style language (CSL) and output formats to be defined in the payload as follows:

{"bibcode":["1980ApJS...44..137K","1980ApJS...44..489B"], "style":"", "format":"", "sort":"date desc, bibcode, desc"}

The style parameter can be any of the CSL formats listed in sections 3 and 4 (e.g., aastex, icarus, mnras, soph, aspc, apsj, ieee, agu, gsa, ams). The format specifies the output type: 1 (Unicode), 2 (HTML), or 3 (LaTeX). Additionally, there is an optional journalformat parameter for certain styles (aastex, aspc, and aasj) to specify the journal name format, with values 1 (AASTeX macros, default), 2 (journal abbreviations), or 3 (full journal name).

Note that, as mentioned above, all the CSL formats can also be accessed through their dedicated endpoints, as listed earlier, using a payload like:

{"bibcode":["1980ApJS...44..137K","1980ApJS...44..489B"], "sort":"date desc, bibcode, desc"}
6. For endpoint /custom define payload as:
{"bibcode":["1980ApJS...44..137K","1980ApJS...44..489B"], "format":"%ZEncoding:latex%ZLinelength:0\bibitem[%4m(%Y)]{%R} %5.3l\ %Y, %j, %V, %p.\n"}

GET a request:

GET endpoints are similar to the POSTS endpoints. The curl command has the following syntax:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <your API token>" <endpoint>/<bibcode>`

To Convert a Classic Custom Format to the Current Custom Format:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <your API token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d <payload> <endpoint>

where <endpoint> is /convert and <payload> is formatted as: {"format":}

For example:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <your API token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"format":"\\\\bibitem[%\\2m%(y)]\\{%za1%y} %\\8l %\\Y,%\\j,%\\V,%\\p"}'

Optional parameter for all export formats :

A new parameter, authorlimit, has been introduced to limit the number of authors and their affiliations returned in exported records. This addresses the growing issue of excessively large author lists, with some papers featuring thousands of authors.

At the request of stakeholders, the authorlimit parameter has been set to a default value of 200 in the service. While this default is hardcoded, it remains configurable through both the ADS UI and the API, ensuring flexibility in controlling the number of authors and affiliations displayed based on user needs.

If the authorlimit parameter is omitted when using the API, the default value of 200 will apply. However, as mentioned, users can override this limit by explicitly specifying their desired value in the API request.

{"bibcode": ["1980ApJS...44..137K", "1980ApJS...44..489B"], "authorlimit": 500}

To retrieve all records without this limit using the API, you can use the provided script:

Another optional parameter added in 2024 is outputformat, which determines the structure and content of exported bibliographic records. Two formats are currently supported: classic and individual.

The classic format includes two fields:

msg: A message summarizing the number of retrieved records.
export: A single string containing all references, formatted for copy-pasting.

Example Response:

    "msg": "Retrieved 2 abstracts, starting with number 1.",
    "export": "Reference 1\nReference 2\n..."

The individual format separates records into distinct entries, allowing for more structured data handling.

The individual format includes six fields:

num_docs: The number of documents retrieved.
docs: A list of dictionaries, each containing:
    bibcode: ADS identifier for the record
    reference: The formatted reference for the record
header: Content that appears before the data records. For XML formats, this includes metadata or structure before the data records tag (ie, <records>). For custom formats like CSV, this includes the header line, and any user-specified header.
footer: Content that appears after the data records. For XML formats, this includes closing XML tags. For custom formats, this includes any user-specified footer.

Example Response:

    "num_docs": 2,
    "docs": [
        {"bibcode": "1980ApJS...44..137K", "reference": "Formatted Reference 1"},
        {"bibcode": "1980ApJS...44..489B", "reference": "Formatted Reference 2"}
    "header": "Custom header or XML top content",
    "footer": "Custom footer or XML bottom content"

To specify this parameters:

{"bibcode":["1980ApJS...44..137K","1980ApJS...44..489B"], "sort":"date desc, bibcode, desc", "outputformat": ""}

The outputformat field accepts the values 1 for classic and 2 for individual.

By default, if outputformat is not specified, the service will use the classic format.


Golnaz, Edwin


Export service to output ADS records with various formats including BibTex, AASTex, and multiple tagged and xml options







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