PoSH Server on PowerShell Core!
Just trying to get this to run in non-Windows at this point. I'm working in Ubuntu 18.04 with Powershell 7. Once all features are functional, then I might look at making improvements.
So far have done the following to make the script work with PowerShell core:
- Replaced backslashes in paths to forward slashes
- Windows recognizes paths with forward slashes but, backslashes do not work in linux
- Replaced a reference to $env:APPDATA to just use the current directory (saving logs, etc)...
- Removed function to check if running as local admin as it is windows specific
- Still requires running as admin, just doesn't check first.
- Set the function that checks if the -SSLIP is an actual IP on the system to always return validated for now. It relies on cmdlets that are not available in linux.
I haven't tested everything yet, but so far it's working but I haven't managed to get SSL to work.
Edit the last line of the script to run as desired. Something along the lines of:
Start-StandalonePoSHServer -Port 80 -HomeDirectory "$HOME/www"
Looks for index.ps1 by default. HTML should be in @""@ tags. See example.ps1 for example.
For further documentation, check out the documentation from the original here: https://github.com/yusufozturk/PoSHServer/blob/master/Documentation.pdf