Obey is a linter tool for Scala. Obey enables to define rules, based on scala.meta trees and the TQL library, corresponding to code health requirements. A rule can generate warnings and/or propose to correct the source code automatically.
In order to use the Obey as a compiler plugin, that runs a phase called 'obey', use the following line:
addCompilerPlugin("com.github.aghosn" % "plugin_2.11.5" % "0.1.0SNAPSHOT")
The compiler plugin defines the following options:
- all: enables to apply a filter on the entire set of rules considered
- warn: enables to select the rules that will only generate warnings
- fix: enables to select the rules that will automatically correct the source code
- addRules: enables to add user-defined rules to a project
The option filtering language (OFL) correponds to the following parser:
tag := “[\w\*]+”.r
tags := “{” ~ tag ~ (“[;,]”.r ~ tag).* ~ “}”
OFL := ("[+-]".r ~ tags).*
For example the following expression
+{List*, Set} - {Array}
selects all the rules that have a tag/name begining by List or equal to Set, while excluding all the ones that have a tag/name equal to Array
In order to use Obey as an SBT autoplugin, use the following line:
addSbtPlugin("com.github.aghosn" %% "sbtobeyplugin" % "0.1SNAPSHOT")
lazy val myProject = Project(...) enablePlugins(obeyplugin)
For an example of how to use Obey, refer to the IObey project or the demo-obey one on my github.