This project is a complete jenkins continious integration pipeline for thirteen microservice of the eShopOnContainers. eShopOnContainers is a well documented and structured .NET project. the purpose of this repo is to devide the code into separate microservices which is tested, built and deployed separately using Jenkins.
ideally you will have one repo/microservice and each repo will have devlop, pre-prod and prod branches. to be able to demonstrate the concept we will use this single repo and will configure one microservice/branch.
- Jenkins server
- SonarQube server
- azure container registry
I used my repo provision-azure-infra-terraform-jenkins to quickly provision and the needed infra.
clone the repo and checkout to each branch to see how each microservice was built. each branch will trigger a Jenkins job that will produce two artifacts:
1- docker image of the microservice.
2- packaged Helm chart (to be used in a release pipeline to deploy this particular microservice).
you can use the below command to manually deploy/test the chart in your AKS cluster:
helm install $RELEASE_NAME oci://$$CHART_NAME --version $CHART_VERSION
1- to add release pipeline to deploy to Kubernetes Cluster.
2- to use Jenkins shared library to reduce the repeated code between the microservices.