ImGuiFileDialog v0.6.4
little update for ImGui 1.87
The dialog can be :
- embedded in your imgui window now
- can have ok and cancel button with different widths and placements
- can disable with flags the display of the boobkmark
- can display a popup of parallels directory with the path separator '' or '/' of the path composer
see changes :
[ADD] : add a / between path in the composer. when you clik left on it, you have a popup of paralle directory, you can select
[ADD] : can invert the ok and cancel buttons (with the define invertOkAndCancelButtons)
[ADD] : add a way for tune the width of validation buttons, ok and cancel (defines okButtonWidth and cancelButtonWidth)
[ADD] : add a way for tune the position of the validations buttons. okCancelButtonAlignement is a ratio
by ex 0.0 is left, 0.5 middle, 1.0 right, and other ratios
[ADD] : add a way to disable the display of bookmark feature by the flag ImGuiFileDialogFlags_DisableBookmarkMode
[ADD] : add a way for embbed the FIleDialog in a user imgui begin/end scope, let inetrgate the dialog in any windows.
just need to use the flag ImGuiFileDialogFlags_NoDialog