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[Emacs] Configuration for Emacs extracted from my private repository

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About this repository (Main artifacts are not html but elisp files.)

This branch is my emacs configuration (.emacs.d ) extracted from private .emacs.d ! (There are Bunch of HTML files because I have locally manages documentations for programming languages...)

  • Pushing to this repository is almostly automated with util/ (Incremental auto commit).
  • Just clone and placing .emacs.d is not sufficient because of the following reasons.
  1. Error handling in config file for missing shell environmental variable is not done (I use my private .bashrc).
  2. Some config file enforce you have already installed binary commands such as git-crypt (I also privately manage this setup).

Main files of this branch is

How to check out and try this repository as $HOME/.emacs.d


- Unix liked system (sh,sed,etc...)
- Emacs version 27
- Git    ; To install emacs
- Python ; To install emacs package manager called 'cask'
- cURL   ; To install emacs package manager called 'cask'


$ git clone $HOME/.emacs.d # You may need 10M of disk space


# Automated setup.
$ $HOME/.emacs.d/util/


# Manual setup
$ cd $HOME/.emacs.d
$ git submodule foreach --recursive git checkout master
$ git submodule update --init
$ git submodule foreach --recursive git submodule update --init
$ $HOME/.cask/bin/cask

The reason for making this repository public.

To help somebody who may google for what he/she want to improve about his/her emacs.

- This repository is extracted from my private repository.
  Some files like as under share/dict/ is omitted from the view point of license.

- This repository would work on the mixture of cygwin/LINUX/MacOSX and various version of emacs.

- I have recently started to use
  - 'cask' to maintain repository instead of git for some libraries. (under migration)
  - 'evil-mode' (vim like keybinding) to be free from emacs keybinding.

- I have recommitted to this git repository to clear private or secret information from source codes, so no history would be visible.


[Emacs] Configuration for Emacs extracted from my private repository






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