This branch is my emacs configuration (.emacs.d ) extracted from private .emacs.d ! (There are Bunch of HTML files because I have locally manages documentations for programming languages...)
- Pushing to this repository is almostly automated with
(Incremental auto commit). - Just clone and placing
is not sufficient because of the following reasons.
- Error handling in config file for missing
shell environmental variable
is not done (I use my private .bashrc). - Some config file enforce you have already installed binary commands such as git-crypt (I also privately manage this setup).
Main files of this branch is
- Unix liked system (sh,sed,etc...)
- Emacs version 27
- Git ; To install emacs
- Python ; To install emacs package manager called 'cask'
- cURL ; To install emacs package manager called 'cask'
$ git clone $HOME/.emacs.d # You may need 10M of disk space
# Automated setup.
$ $HOME/.emacs.d/util/
# Manual setup
$ cd $HOME/.emacs.d
$ git submodule foreach --recursive git checkout master
$ git submodule update --init
$ git submodule foreach --recursive git submodule update --init
$ $HOME/.cask/bin/cask
- This repository is extracted from my private repository.
Some files like as under share/dict/ is omitted from the view point of license.
- This repository would work on the mixture of cygwin/LINUX/MacOSX and various version of emacs.
- I have recently started to use
- 'cask' to maintain repository instead of git for some libraries. (under migration)
- 'evil-mode' (vim like keybinding) to be free from emacs keybinding.
- I have recommitted to this git repository to clear private or secret information from source codes, so no history would be visible.