This repesotory contains all script to do preprocessing, anonymisation an attackinf trajectories dataset from PWSCup contest
Use the package manager pip to install requirements of this repo.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note that traj_dist package must be installed here
Download PWSCup data from the team Google Drive account 1(bis). You can also download testing data here
Preprocessing of the data with -i <your_trajectory_input_file> -o <name_of_directory_for_output> -r <information_region_file>
- Runing benchmark (you need both original and reference files). An example using the testings files
python \
-o ../data/testing_data/output_org_osaka \
-r ../data/testing_data/output_ref_osaka
cd data/reid_preliminary_phase/
./ /PubData
./ /RefData_000-021
cd src/
./ ../data/reid_preliminary_phase/prepro