A C based JSON parser for R. Released versions can be found at http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rjson/index.html
Alex Couture-Beil [email protected]
rjson uses earthly to containerize common development tasks.
To run a comprehensive test, run:
earthly +test
This will run various sub-tests, against multiple versions of R.
To run the unit tests, run:
earthly +unittest
or against a particular version of R, e.g. 4.0.0:
earthly +unittest --R_VERSION=4.0.0
To run rcheck, run:
earthly +rcheck
To create a source rjson_<version>.tar.gz
, run:
earthly +cran
This will output a compressed source archive under output/
To run R check with valgrind, in the past I have run:
docker run -v `pwd`:/foo -w /foo -ti -e VALGRIND_OPTS='--leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes' --rm --cap-add SYS_PTRACE rocker/r-devel-ubsan-clang R CMD check --use-valgrind rjson
(This should be moved into the Earthfile to make it easier to run).