Welcome to Bass Games, we are students of CodeClan who collaborated on a JS React fullstack project.
Our idea was to make a Movie Guessing Game using a movie database API, by revealing only a portion of the movie poster and letting the player make a guess of the title. They get 3 guesses and each incorrect guess reveals a little more of the poster.
Special thanks to John McNeill, Jack Dickson, Alex Bazlinton, James Drysdale and Colette Dufficy.
We used an API that The Movie Database provides - TMDB If the API key has expired, you can create your own account on TMDB and request an API key very easily. Just edit the App.js file with your new API.
Things that need to do to be able to run the game:
First clone the repo to your local drive.
From your main directory in a terminal/shell window:-
cd server
npm install
npm run seeds (optional)
npm run server:dev
Then from the main directory:-
cd client
npm install
npm start
REACT should open up in your browser (we recommend you use Chrome).
Other things we added to our dependencies:
- npm [email protected]
- npm i express
- npm i –save-dev cors
- npm install --save-dev nodemon
- npm react-router-dom
- npm install reactjs-popup --save
- npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled
- npm [email protected]
- npm install @table-library/react-table-library @emotion/react