Med_Query is an effective and efficient framework for medical image analysis. This repository is the
official implementation of our paper:
- "Med-Query: Steerable Parsing of 9-DoF Medical Anatomies with Query Embeding"
- Python = 3.9 required
git clone
cd Med_Query
- Download RibInst masks and models from Google Drive.
- Testing the rib parsing pipeline using your own data (NIFTI format required).
$ med_query_test --snapshot_det /path_to_models/ --snapshot_seg /path_to_models/ --snapshot_roi /path_to_models/ -i /your_data_directory/ -o /output_directory/
We elaborate on the instructions based on the rib parsing task, other experiments can follow
the similar settings.
- Set an environment variable
$ echo "export WORK_DIR=/path_to_work_dir" >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
Prepare images and masks:
- Download images from RibFrac dataset: Trainset P1, Trainset P2, Validset, Testset.
- Download RibInst masks as mentioned above.
Extract raw data and labeled masks into:
- $WORK_DIR/rib_experiment/images/
- $WORK_DIR/rib_experiment/masks/
Copy dataset filelist and split files from RibInst directory into:
- $WORK_DIR/rib_experiment/filelist.csv
- $WORK_DIR/rib_experiment/trainset.csv
- $WORK_DIR/rib_experiment/validset.csv
- $WORK_DIR/rib_experiment/testset.csv
Data preprocessing offline:
$ python med_query/scripts/ -f $WORK_DIR/rib_experiment/filelist.csv -i $WORK_DIR/rib_experiment/images/ -m $WORK_DIR/rib_experiment/masks/ -o $WORK_DIR/rib_experiment/ --crop -n 32
Generated data by the preprocessing script are listed as follows:
Cropped data (Optional):
- $WORK_DIR/rib_experiment/images_cropped/
- $WORK_DIR/rib_experiment/masks_cropped/
Resampled data (isotropic 2mm data of raw data, also including cropped data if it exists):
- $WORK_DIR/rib_experiment/images_2mm
- $WORK_DIR/rib_experiment/masks_2mm
- $WORK_DIR/rib_experiment/masks_2mm_dilated (dilated 12th pair of ribs)
Detailed information for each rib/target:
- $WORK_DIR/rib_experiment/cases_info.csv
The file structure looks like:
├── rib_experiment
│ ├── cases_info.csv
│ ├── filelist.csv
│ ├── trainset.csv
│ ├── validset.csv
│ ├── testset.csv
│ ├── images
│ │ ├── RibFrac1-image.nii.gz
│ │ ├── RibFrac2-image.nii.gz
│ │
│ ├── masks
│ │ ├── RibFrac1-ribmask_labelled.nii.gz
│ │ ├── RibFrac2-ribmask_labelled.nii.gz
│ │
│ ├── images_cropped
│ │ ├── RibFrac1-crop-1-image.nii.gz
│ │ ├── RibFrac1-crop-2-image.nii.gz
│ │
│ ├── masks_cropped
│ │ ├── RibFrac1-crop-1-ribmask_labelled.nii.gz
│ │ ├── RibFrac1-crop-2-ribmask_labelled.nii.gz
│ │
│ ├── images_2mm
│ │ ├── RibFrac1-image.nii.gz
│ │ ├── RibFrac2-image.nii.gz
│ │
│ ├── masks_2mm
│ │ ├── RibFrac1-ribmask_labelled.nii.gz
│ │ ├── RibFrac2-ribmask_labelled.nii.gz
│ │
│ ├── masks_2mm_dilated
│ │ ├── RibFrac1-ribmask_labelled.nii.gz
│ │ ├── RibFrac2-ribmask_labelled.nii.gz
├── spine_experiment
└── organ_experiment
- Start training of detection model
# modify `` as needed
# `tag` is a string to distinguish each trial
$ med_query_train_det -c det/configs/ -g 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -t tag -p 12345
- Start training of segmentation model
$ med_query_train_seg -c seg/configs/ -g 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -t tag -p 12346
- Start training of roi extractor
$ med_query_train_roi -c seg/configs/ -g 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -t tag -p 12347
- Stop distributed training
$ stop_distributed_training [-t tag]
$ kill $(ps aux | grep | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
- We support online and offline validation of detection model, the offline validation command is:
$ med_query_valid --snapshot_det /path_to_det_model/ -d validset
Validation results will be saved at $WORK_DIR/rib_experiment/results/MedDetSeg_ValRes.csv
- Only testing detection model given test images directory
$ med_query_test --snapshot_det /path_to_det_model/ -i /input_directory/ -o /output_directory/
- Testing the whole pipeline
$ med_query_test --snapshot_det /path_to_det_model/ --snapshot_seg /path_to_seg_model/ --snapshot_roi
/path_to_roi_model/ -i /input_directory/ -o /output_directory/
- Query certain ribs in the whole pipeline
$ med_query_test --snapshot_det /path_to_det_model/ --snapshot_seg /path_to_seg_model/ --snapshot_roi
/path_to_roi_model/ -i /input_directory/ -o /output_directory/ -q 1,3,5,7,9
med_query_vis -m /loal_path_to_experiment/masks_2mm --info_csv /local_path_to_experiment/MedDetSeg_ValRes.csv -c {case_id}
Here is a video demo:
Med_Query is released under the Apache 2.0 license.
If you find this project useful in your research, please cite the following paper:
title={Med-Query: Steerable Parsing of 9-DoF Medical Anatomies with Query Embedding},
author={Heng Guo and Jianfeng Zhang and Ke Yan and Le Lu and Minfeng Xu},
journal={IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics},