This repository contains codes to detect and blur faces. The workflow uses the ikomia api which is an open source tool allowing to create easily computer vision application. We use Kornia face detector, an algo that I integrated into ikomia, it can be found in this repository.
Python 3.7, 3.8 or 3.9 is required with requirements1.txt and requirements2.txt
$ git clone
$ cd face_detection_blur_flask_deployment
$ pip install -r requirements1.txt
$ pip install -r requirements2.txt
Before running the inference, make sur there are some test images in the following folder
This script will run the workflow on all the images from the detect_image folder and save the results in:
Detection and blur can be done running the command:
python --images_folder images\detect_image --output_path images\detect_res
To run the camera detection script:
Press 'q' to quit.
Start the Flask app
By default, flask will run on port 5000. Navigate to URL http://localhost:5000
If everything goes well, you should be able to see the live camera and blurred faces!