A stack is a special data structure where you only add, access, and remove elements from the top. A stack is also known as a last-in first-out (LIFO) structure. The Last thing to be added In to a stack is the First thing that comes Out of it.
Stacks are everywhere. As you learned in Phase 1, your computer uses a call-stack when it executes code. You probably blew the call stack more than a few times when you studied recursion.
Stacks are simple data structures, but they're powerful too. A simple infix (e.g. 3 + 4) expression parser can be produced using nothing but stacks, queues and the Shunting-yard algorithm, and executed using a stack-based reverse-polish notation calculator.
Most importantly for us, stacks are a classic example of a last-in-first-out data structure. "LIFO" and "FIFO" are a useful part of your technical vocabulary as you reason about data and how it's processed. We'll talk more about FIFO in the Queue data structure challenge.
Write and test a Stack
class that conforms to the following interface:
: Instantiate a newStack
: Add a new element to the top of the stackStack#pop
: Remove and return the top element of the stackStack#top
: Return (but do not remove) the top element of the stackStack#empty?
: Answer whether or not the stack is empty
Do not use any Ruby data structures in your implementation. Instead, pick one of your own to use in your implementation:
- FixedArray
- ArrayList
- LinkedList
Let's get a feel for how we'd use a stack. Implement a Reverse Polish Notation Calculator. Use the pseudocode for the postfix algorithm present on the wikipedia page.