Arrow is a test framework designed to promote test-driven JavaScript development. Arrow provides a consistent test creation and execution environment for both Developers and Quality Engineers.
Arrow aims to completely remove the line between development’s Unit tests, and Functional and Integration tests by providing a uniform way to create and execute both.
Arrow itself is a thin, extensible layer that marries JavaScript, NodeJS and Selenium. Arrow allows you to write tests using YUI-Test and execute those tests using NodeJS or Selenium. Additionally, Arrow provides a rich mechanism for building, organizing and executing test and test scenarios.
npm install -g yahoo-arrow
--help display this help page
--version display installed arrow version
--lib comma separated list of js files needed by the test
--page path to the mock or production html page, for example: http://www.yahoo.com or mock.html
--driver one of selenium|nodejs. (default: selenium)
--shareLibPath comma separated list of directories to be scaned to load module automatically
--browser firefox|chrome|opera|reuse. Specify browser version with a hypen, ex.: firefox-4.0 or opera-11.0 (default: firefox)
--report true/false. Creates report files in junit and json format, and also prints a consolidated test report summary on console
--reportFolder : (optional) folderPath. creates report files in that folder. (default: descriptor folder path)
--testName comma separated list of test names defined in test descriptor. all other tests will be ignored
--group comma separated list of groups defined in test descriptor, all other groups will be ignored
--dimension a custom dimension file for defining ycb contexts
--context name of ycb context
--seleniumHost : (optional) override selenium host url (example: --seleniumHost=http://host.com:port/wd/hub)
--capabilities : (optional) the name of a json file containing webdriver capabilities required by your project
--startProxyServer : (optional) true/false. Starts a proxy server, intercepting all selenium browser calls
--routerProxyConfig : (optional) filePath. Expects a Json file, allows users to modify host and headers for all calls being made by browser. Also supports recording of select url calls ( if you mark "record" : true)
Example Json : { "yahoo.com": { "newHost": "x.x.x.x (your new host ip/name)", "headers":[ { "param": "<param>", "value": "<val>" } ], "record": true }, "news.yahoo.com": { "newHost": "x.x.x.x (your new host ip/name)", "headers":[ { "param": "<param>", "value": "<val>" } ], "record": true } }
--exitCode : (optional) true/false. Causes the exit code to be non-zero if any tests fail (default: false)
--coverage : (optional) true/false. creates code-coverage report for all js files included/loaded by arrow (default: false)
Below are some examples to help you get started.
###Unit test:
arrow --lib=../src/greeter.js test-unit.js
###Unit test with a mock page:
arrow --page=testMock.html --lib=./test-lib.js test-unit.js
###Unit test with --shareLibPath to replace --lib: Please note that the folder passed to --shareLibPath need follow layout convention as described in arrow cookbook "Arrow In-Depth"
arrow --page=testMock.html --shareLibPath=../ test-unit.js
###Unit test with selenium:
arrow --page=testMock.html --lib=./test-lib.js --driver=selenium test-unit.js
###Integration test:
arrow --page=http://www.hostname.com/testpage --lib=./test-lib.js test-int.js
###Integration test:
arrow --page=http://www.hostname.com/testpage --lib=./test-lib.js --driver=selenium test-int.js
###Custom controller:
arrow --controller=custom-controller.js --driver=selenium
##Arrow Dependencies
NPM Dependencies
- glob https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob
- nopt https://github.com/isaacs/nopt
- colors https://github.com/Marak/colors.js
- express https://github.com/visionmedia/express
- yui http://github.com/yui/yui3
- JSV http://github.com/garycourt/JSV
- log4js https://github.com/nomiddlename/log4js-node
- clone https://github.com/pvorb/node-clone
- useragent https://github.com/3rd-Eden/useragent
- istanbul https://github.com/yahoo/istanbul
- uglify-js https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS
- xml-writer https://github.com/lindory-project/node-xml-writer
- ycb https://github.com/yahoo/ycb
- async https://github.com/caolan/async
NPM Dev Dependencies
- mockery https://github.com/mfncooper/mockery
- ytestrunner https://github.com/gotwarlost/ytestrunner
Apart from above mentioned npm modules, Arrow also relies on these two projects
- selenium https://code.google.com/p/selenium/
- ghostdriver https://github.com/detro/ghostdriver