This is a Tool to connect EdingCNC (with cncapi) to a Microcontroller over Firmata Serial Protocol.
- Qt 5.6 ( -- during installation select Qt->Qt 5.6->MinGW 4.9.2 32 bit
- EdingCNC (
- QtFirmata (
- Build QtFirmata
- Update Paths in -- QTFIRMATA_DIR - to QtFirmata source files -- QTFIRMATA_LIB - to QtFirmata dll (built the step before) -- CNCAPI_DIR - to Folder with cncapi.dll
- In Project settings -- change working dir to EdingCNC Installation (like C:\CNC4.03) -- (for Testing) add the COM Port of your microcontroller to the command line arguments (like COM9)
- Run/Build and have fun