A Sass Built Margin and Padding System for Tweaking Layouts by @AndrewBiddinger
Version: 0.0.4
Buffer = CSS Margin (Referring to a shield, cushion, or bumper.) Margin is the elbowroom outside an element.
Bosom = CSS Padding (Referring to a state of enclosing intimacy, warm closeness, like a bosom friend.) Padding is the elbowroom within an element.
Modifiers control are the amount of elbow-room applied to the buffer or bosom mixin.
- xs = 4px
- sm = 8px
- reg = 15px
- md = 30px
- lg = 45px
- xlg = 65px
@include bosom-lg();
Note: Modifier Variables can be customized globally or custom values can be passed directly into the mixins being used.
.buffer-example-custom {
@include buffer();
.buffer-right-example-custom {
@include buffer(right);
.bosom-large-example-left-right {
@include bosom(left right, lg);
.bosom-example {
@include bosom();
.anti-bosom-example {
@include bosom(all, md, anti);