A curated list of awesome things about Apache Pulsar
Apache Pulsar is a next-generation pub/sub messaging system developed at Yahoo. Pulsar was developed from the ground up to address several shortcomings of existing open source messaging systems and has been running in production for three years, powering critical applications like Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! Finance, Yahoo! Sports, Flickr, the Gemini Ads Platform, and Sherpa, Yahoo’s distributed key value store. Pulsar was open sourced in late 2016 and is currently undergoing incubation under the auspices of the Apache Software Foundation. In this blog post, we will highlight key features of Pulsar that are available out of the box. (Why Apache Pulsar )
Here are cool features supported
- Geo-Replication
- Multi-Tenant
- Zero Data Loss
- Zero Rebalancing time
- Unified Queuing and Streaming Model
- Highly Scalable
- High Throughput
- Pulsar Proxy
- Functions
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Apache Pulsar — Gentle Introduction
Understanding How Apache Pulsar Works
Apache Pulsar Outperforms Apache Kafka by 2.5x on OpenMessaging Benchmark
Introduction to Apache BookKeeper
Building DistributedLog: High-performance replicated log service
DistributedLog at Twitter for High Performance Logging
Code Analysis of Twitter’s DistributedLog
Here at Streamlio, we prefer to use the term effectively-once over “exactly-once” because it highlights the fact that a messaging system needs to be able to detect and discard duplicate messages and to do so with a 100% degree of accuracy. We call this feature message deduplication.
Effectively-once semantics in Apache Pulsar
How Apache Pulsar ensures no messages lost and no messages duplicated
No message loss, no duplicates, and ordering: taken together, they describe total order atomic broadcast (TOAB), which is known to be equivalent to consensus in distributed systems.
Exactly once is NOT exactly the same
Comparing Pulsar and Kafka: unified queuing and streaming
A Technical Review of Kafka and DistributedLog
Comparing LogDevice and Apache Pulsar