Project was created to assist those who needed a way to watch products on BestBuy's website mainly the Nintendo-Switch. Other Item can be monitored as well , just need the sku number for the product! I hope you guys enjoy this project
Make sure you're in the correct directory before trying to install this program. Many people have issues with directories. I recommend install this on your desktop for easy accessbility.
Make sure you have these currently installed on the machine you plan to run this application on. If you have any problems with installation or unfamiliar with this there are some resources below.
Node (LTS) 12.16.2
Need help installing Nodejs or Mongo DB ?
git clone
npm install or npm i
node app.js
This fork is for twilio text messaging. If you do not want text messaging, go to the orignal
Create a .env
and put in the following values:
SID=<Trillio SID>
Get these values from Twilio
Make sure to add your server webhook within the setting.json
file before starting the application or you will run into an error and the app will close.
Here is an example sku "6364255" , each sku should be seperated with a ,
Destination of all notifications sent from the monitor.
A collection of all the items you want monitored.
Time in between each time the monitor will check on your list of products you've entered. This value is adjustable but be mindful of potential banning of your IP and or other anti-bot / rate-limiting measures.
"Webhook": ""
"Interval": 5000