Project Documentation: Flask Blog (In Development) Project Overview
This project is a blogging platform built using Flask (backend) with a frontend developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Users can create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) blog posts. The blog aims to have user authentication and search functionality in later stages. The project is currently in development, with core features being implemented incrementally. Tech Stack
Backend: Flask (Python)
Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Database: SQL/apache
Hosting: Planned for deployment on Heroku or Render
Version Control: GitHub (for collaboration and tracking)
Features (Planned & In Progress or Done)
User Authentication (Signup, Login, Logout) – In Progress(currently only handels single user session)
Comment System – Done
Search Functionality – Planned
Pagination for Blog Posts – In Progress
Responsive Frontend UI – In Development
Project Setup Prerequisites
Python 3.x installed.
pip (Python package installer).
Virtual environment (optional but recommended).
Git (for version control).
Basic knowledge of Flask, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Step-by-Step Installation
Clone the repository:
git clone cd flask-blog
Create and activate a virtual environment:
python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate # On Mac/Linux venv\Scripts\activate # On Windows
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Set up the SQLite database:
flask db init flask db migrate -m "Initial migration" flask db upgrade
Run the development server:
flask run
Open in your browser to see the blog running.
Folder Structure
flask-blog/ │ ├── static/ # Static files (CSS, JS, images) │ ├── css/ │ │ └── styles.css # Custom styles │ ├── js/ │ │ └── scripts.js # Custom JavaScript │ └── images/ │ └── logo.png # Logo for the blog and other pictures │ ├── templates/ # HTML templates │ ├── layout.html # Base template with common layout │ ├── index.html # Homepage showing blog posts │ └── post.html # Individual blog post page │ ├── # Main Flask application ├── config.json # Configuration settings └── # Project overview