This code came from a simple constatation : Browsing a "reaction tumblr" (Like ) from a smartphone / 3G is close to impossible because of how heavy theses gifs can be.
This should support all the tumblrs with gifs in post (as it's now using the Tumblr API)
The process is fairly simple :
- Fetch gifs and title from the tumblr
- If the compressed version of the gif is not available in the cache, it launch a compression
- The output is shown to the user
When you access a page where none of the gifs are cache, it can take up to a minute to load the page, otherwise it's as fast as any other PHP script.
Tumbler API -
MaterializeCss - : A CSS Framework following the Material Design guidelines. (To have something *a bit* responsive and not too ugly.)
Gifsicle/Giflossy - : The actual gif compressor, called from a shell_exec. (Not exactly idea, I know, but PHP GD was miles away from the result of gifsicle.)