A tv/monitor connected to a Raspberry Pi that cycles content sourced via HTTP. This repo will concern itself with the HTTP content.
Started by the Coder Cooperative group.
Idea stolen from Milwaukee Makerspace http://wiki.milwaukeemakerspace.org/projects/mmpis
- git
- Python 2.7
- Google App Engine SDK for Python
$ git clone https://github.com/appletonmakerspace/info_display.git
$ cd info_display
$ pip install -t lib -r requirements.txt
$ dev_appserver.py .
This script is provided by the Google App Engine SDK. You may need to fully qualify the path to this script when you call it.- HACK ALL THE CODES (ams-info-display.py is the entry point)
- Visit http://localhost:8080/ to view your handiwork.
If you want to add a dependency/library it needs to be "pure python" (no C extentions) and you need to add it to the requirements.txt file.
Once you've done that, re-running the pip
step above will install it into your local development setup.