Steps to set up EFK stack for system and kubernetes application log aggregation.
- Fluentbit is very lightweight and faster as compared to fluentd. Although, it doesn't have extreme level filter and parser options like fluentd yet, but it solves most of our common requirements.
Before proceeding, make sure you don't have any existing ELK/EFK stack running. The setup script assumes you have clean new machine which has running kubernetes and docker. Default ports to check for EFK stack -
- Elasticsearch - 9200
- Kibana - 5601
Once repo is cloned, open terminal in the repo directory.
Run the setup script.
sudo ./ek/
Open terminal in repo directory.
Change directory to ./final-scripts/k8s-fluentbit
Update following snippet to appropriate values in ./fluent-bit-ds-final.yaml
value: "<ElasticsearchIP>"
value: "<ElasticsearchPort>"
- Run the setup script.
sudo ./
Open terminal in repo directory.
Change directory to ./final-scripts/local-fluentbit
Run the setup script.
sudo ./
Update elasticsearch IP in fluent-bit.conf
Run the fluentbit on system. This configuration collects information about CPU usage, memory usage, disk usage and general syslogs and pushes them to running elasticsearch svc.
sudo fluent-bit --config=fluent-bit.conf
- For any modification in conf file or further reading, refer to
Go to http://:5601
In the left sidebar, click on management.
Once there, under kibana header, click index patterns.
On next page, click 'Create index pattern'.
Create two index patterns :
- kubernetes-*
- system-*
In the left sidebar, click on discover.
Select the specific index pattern for viewing logs.
Change directory to ./final-scripts/local-fluentbit
Uninstall fluent-bit on locally on OS by running following command
sudo ./
Change directory to ./final-scripts/k8s-fluentbit
Uninstall fluent-bit on locally on K8S by running following command
sudo ./
- Uninstall Elasticsearch and Kibana
sudo ./ek/