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MiConta App

This project is built using the React Native Boilerplate by TheCodingMachine.

Table of Contents


  • Java Development Kit (JDK): Zulu 17
  • Node.js: v20.9.0
  • Yarn: 3.6.4

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd MiConta
  2. Install dependencies:

    Ensure you are using Node 20 and Yarn:

    yarn install

Running the App

  1. Start the Metro Bundler:

    yarn start
  2. Run the app on Android:

    Ensure you have an Android emulator running or a device connected:

    yarn android
  3. Run the app on iOS:

    Ensure you have an iOS simulator running or a device connected:

    yarn ios

Project Structure

The project structure follows best practices and is organized as follows:

├── android/              # Contains Android-specific code, configurations, and build files.
├── ios/                  # Contains iOS-specific code, configurations, and build files.
├── patches/              # Stores patch files created by `patch-package` to fix issues in dependencies.
├── src/                  # Main source directory containing all the application's code.
│   ├── components/       # Reusable UI components that are used throughout the app.
│   ├── hooks/            # Custom React hooks for managing state and logic in a reusable manner.
│   ├── navigators/       # Contains navigation configurations and setups using libraries like React Navigation.
│   ├── screens/          # Individual screen components representing different pages or views in the app.
│   ├── services/         # Service functions for API calls, data fetching, and other side effects.
│   ├── stores/           # State management logic, possibly using libraries like Redux or Zustand.
│   ├── theme/            # Theme-related files for styling and theming the application.
│   │   ├── assets/       # Static assets such as icons and images used in the theme.
│   │   │   ├── icons/    # Icon assets used across the app.
│   │   │   └── images/   # Image assets used across the app.
│   │   ├── useTheme.ts   # Custom hook for accessing and manipulating theme settings.
│   ├── translations/     # Localization files for supporting multiple languages.
│   ├── types/            # TypeScript type definitions for enhancing type safety throughout the app.
│   ├── utils/            # Utility functions and helpers used throughout the application.
│   └── App.tsx           # Entry point of the React Native app where the main component is defined.
└── index.js              # Entry point for initializing the app, setting up any initial configuration or startup logic.

Available Scripts

  • yarn start: Start the Metro Bundler.
  • yarn android: Run the app on an Android emulator or device.
  • yarn ios: Run the app on an iOS simulator or device.
  • yarn test: Run the test suite.
  • yarn lint: Lint the codebase using ESLint.
  • yarn type-check: Run TypeScript type checking.
  • yarn pod-install: Install iOS dependencies using CocoaPods.
  • yarn postinstall: Apply patches after installing packages.

Test Results

Some functionality on this application has been tested. Below are the test results:

➜  MiConta git:(main) ✗ yarn test
 PASS  src/theme/ThemeProvider/ThemeProvider.test.tsx
 PASS  src/components/molecules/Brand/Brand.test.tsx
 PASS  src/stores/actions/contact_action/contact_action.test.ts
 PASS  src/stores/reducers/contact_reducer/contact_detail.reducer.test.ts
 PASS  src/stores/reducers/contact_reducer/contact_favorite.reducer.test.ts
 PASS  src/stores/reducers/contact_reducer/contact_list.reducer.test.ts
 PASS  src/utils/string.test.ts

Test Suites: 7 passed, 7 total
Tests:       29 passed, 29 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        0.987 s, estimated 1 s

Useful Commands

  • Clean Build for Android:

    cd android && ./gradlew clean
    cd ..
    yarn android
  • Clean Build for iOS:

    cd ios && xcodebuild clean
    cd ..
    yarn ios


Watch a video demonstrating the features and functionality of the MiConta App:

Demo MiConta

or You can try a MiConta App direcly (Android Only) here.