Kvatch is an in-memory key-value store.
Kvatch aims to provide a simple REST API. Once Kvatch is running, three HTTP methods are available: GET, PUT, and DELETE.
Add a new value to the table:
$ curl -vX PUT -d "some value" localhost:4000/some_key
Retrieve a value from the table:
$ curl -v localhost:4000/some_key
Update an existing value in the table:
$ curl -vX PUT -d "new value" localhost:4000/some_key
Delete a value from the table:
$ curl -vX DELETE localhost:4000/some_key
Additional examples are available in scripts/test.py
Kvatch does not depend on libraries outside of standard C or POSIX.
$ ./scripts/build.sh
# ./scripts/build.sh --install
This project steals liberally from a few sources -- some prose, some code, most both.