This repository includes academic resources for the courses at IIITD from Monsoon 2021 onwards. I have tried to include the various examination papers, assignments, tutorials, etc in the respective course folders whereas tried to list some video resources which I used myself in this README. I would highly recommend you all to also take a look at this amazing repo: SemWiseResourcesIIIT-Aflah02 for some more resources.
Note: You will find the solutions of most of the coding assignments on my GitHub itself in different repositories. Hope it helps you out :)
- Quizzes, Tutorials, Labs, Practice Problems, Midsem and Endsem '20, '21.
- Notes by the amazing Medha Hira. (added in 2 parts)
- Neso Academy DC Playlist
- Midsem and Endsem '19 and '20, '21 and Programming Assignment.
- 3Blue1Brown
- Gajendra Purohit - Vector Spaces
- Gajendra Purohit - Matrices
- Practice Sets (really helpful for practicing good Python Problems)
- Midsem and Endsem '21
- Assignments, link to the repo with their solutions: Solution-IP-Assignments
- Uploaded Quizzes, Practice Problems and Midsem'22.
- CO Playlist by Prof. Smruti Sarangi, IITD - Highly recommended as we follow his textbook in the course.
- CO Playlist by Prof. Sujay Deb, IIITD - Playlist by our own CO prof, highly recommend it too.
- Link to my CO Project implementing a Simple Custom Assembler and Simulator - Uploaded the project PDF for our year
- Quizzes, Homeworks, Midsem and Endsem given by Prof. Sanjit Kaul in Winter Sem'22. Would recommend you to solve it throughly as sir often repeats concepts across years.
- Uploaded Coding Assignment for the same.
- Would highly recommend reading and solving the book as it is really well written. You can find the PDF from Aflah's GitHub repo for resources.
- Would also recommend attending all your lectures (won't find a better resource than that!!)
- Mycodeschool - Probably the best YouTube channel for understanding Data Structures and Algorithms in C
- Assignment 2 - Travel Recommendation on Prolog
- Assignment 3a - Linear Regression
- Assignment 3b - Logistic Regression
- Do the Question Bank properly, there is no other way to score!!
- Assignments Monsoon 2022
- My OS Notes - Notes made by me during Monsoon 2022 (pardon if raw at places :)
- Uploaded the Midsem, Endsem from Monsoon 2022
- Gate Smashers OS
- Neso OS
- Refer to the books: OStep and Linux Kernel Development
- Uploaded Midsem, Endsem and Practice Questions from Monsoon 2022.
- SnS Programming Assignments - Codes of all Programming Assignments given as part of the course Signals and Systems
- NPTEL Playlist by IISER - Good Playlist from IISER on Signals and Systems
- MIT Lectures
- Neso Academy Playlist
- Try to attend classes regularly and make notes which will help in the weekly quizzes
- AP Project'22 - Tank Stars
- Uploaded the Quizzes from Monsoon 2022.
- Bro Code Course - I referred to this
- UML Class Diagram
- UML Use Case Diagram
- Uploaded the midsem and endsem from Monsoon 2022
- Try to do the book(s) diligently.