This code triggers a BigQuery load job when a Parquet file is written to a Google Cloud Storage bucket.
View the source code.
Follow the Cloud Functions quickstart guide to setup Cloud Functions for your project.
Clone this repository:
git clone
Create a Cloud Storage Bucket:
gsutil mb gs://BUCKET_NAME
- Replace
with the name of your Cloud Storage Bucket.
- Replace
Deploy the "loadFile" function with an HTTP trigger:
gcloud functions deploy loadFile --trigger-resource gs://BUCKET_NAME --trigger-event
Create a BigQuery dataset with a table with the following schema:
Upload 'sample.csv', located in the root of this repo, to your bucket:
gsutil cp sample.csv gs://BUCKET_NAME
- Replace
with the name of your Cloud Storage Bucket.
- Replace
Query the BigQuery table to check that you can see that the data has been inserted successfully.