Yii2-audittrail is a behavior and a set of widgets to track all modifications performed on a model
This is not the first audit trail extension. So why use this one? Those are some of the major advantages:
- this extension works with composite primary keys
- it also works with console applications
- you can explicitly configure what fields to log
- GridView-baded widget to show the audit trail with huge customization options (eg rendering of values by closures, yii-formatter, etc.)
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
$ composer require asinfotrack/yii2-audittrail
or add
"asinfotrack/yii2-audittrail": "dev-master"
to the require
section of your composer.json
After downloading everything you need to apply the migration creating the audit trail entry table:
yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/asinfotrack/yii2-audittrail/migrations
To remove the table just do the same migration downwards.
Attach the behavior to your model and you're done:
public function behaviors()
return [
// ...
// some of the optional configurations
'desktop_id'=>function ($value) {
$model = Desktop::findOne($value);
return sprintf('%s %s', $model->manufacturer, $model->device_name);
// ...
The widget is also very easy to use. Just provide the model to get the audit trail for:
<?= AuditTrail::widget([
// some of the optional configurations
'userIdCallback'=>function ($userId, $model) {
return User::findOne($userId)->fullname;
'changeTypeCallback'=>function ($type, $model) {
return Html::tag('span', strtoupper($type), ['class'=>'label label-info']);
'dataTableOptions'=>['class'=>'table table-condensed table-bordered'],
]) ?>