IGSN Metadata Registry is a metadata registry solution that enables the creation and management of metadata records. While IGSN Metadata Registry was primarily developed by ARDC as a solution for providing International Geo Sample Numbers (IGSN) identifier minting and management services to end user clients, the solution has been designed in a way that makes it reusable for other metadata registry requirements. Two of the main design principles underpinning IGSN Metadata Registry is extensibility and schema agnosticism. Through the addition of custom handlers, IGSN Metadata Registry can be extended to support the management and creation of virtually any schema and serialisation format.
The solution also supports integration with external services such as IGSN for the minting and management of persistent identifiers associated with metadata records. IGSN Metadata Registry is Java based and backed by a MySQL database.
- Metadata Store
- REST APIs to manage metadata
- Configurable metadata schema
- Configurable document Transformation
- Ability to store metadata for a single record in multiple schemas/formats
- Versioning
- OAI-PMH server
- Global IGSN Integration
- Stateful Request Management
- Centralised authentication and authorisation
- GUI for metadata editing and management via IGSN Metadata Editor
- GUI for displaying metadata content via IGSN Metadata Portal
- JDK 8+
- Apache Maven 3.2.1+
- Keycloak 10.0.1
For detailed requirements and installation instructions, please refer to the Installation Guide and Keycloak Guide
cp /src/main/resources/application.properties.sample /src/main/resources/application.properties
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
mvn spring-boot:run
mvn verify
By default, the src/test/resources/application.properties
will be used for testing
Code coverage is avaiable in JaCoCo
and Clover
in the form of OpenClover
Test and generate code coverage
mvn clean org.openclover:clover-maven-plugin:4.4.1:setup verify org.openclover:clover-maven-plugin:4.4.1:aggregate org.openclover:clover-maven-plugin:4.4.1:clover jacoco:report
JaCoCo HTML test coverage report will now be available with open target/site/jacoco/index.html
and the binary available at target/jacoco.exec
Clover HTML test report will now be available at target/site/clover/index.html
with the XML report available at target/site/clover/clover.xml
IGSN Metadata Registry is licensed under the Apache license, Version 2.0 See LICENSE for the the full license text