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TagsMultiTenant allows you to manage tags associated to your records.

It also allows you to specify various contexts


  1. Add tags_multi_tenant to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:tags_multi_tenant, "~> 0.1.16"}]
  1. Configure TagsMultiTenant to use your repo in config/config.exs:
# Options
# taggable_id - This field is default :integer, but you can set it as :uuid

config :tags_multi_tenant,
  repo: ApplicationName.Repo,
  taggable_id: :integer
  1. Install your dependencies:
mix deps.get
  1. Generate the migrations:
mix TagsMultiTenant.install

This will create two migration files, xxxxx_create_tag.exs and xxxxx_create_tagging.exs. You can leave these in the repo/migrations directory if you are:

* not using a multi-tenant database
* using a multi-tenant database, but prefer to leave the tagging in the 'public' schema

If you prefer to use the multi-tenant features, you will need to move the two migration files to the tenant_migrations directory prior to applying the migrations.

  1. Run the migrations:
mix ecto.migrate

If you are using the Triplex package to manage multi-tenant migrations, you can use

mix triplex.migrate

to migrate these migrations.

Include it in your models

Now, you can use the library in your models.

You should add the next line to your taggable model:

use TagsMultiTenant.TagAs, :tag_context_name


defmodule Post do
  use Ecto.Schema
  use TagsMultiTenant.TagAs, :categories

  import Ecto.Changeset

  schema "posts" do
    field :title, :string
    field :body, :boolean


  def changeset(struct, params \\ %{}) do
    |> cast(params, [:title, :body])
    |> validate_required([:title])

As you can see, we have included the context categories

Now we can use a set of metaprogrammed functions:

If you are using the plugin as a single tenant setup, the following functions will work.

Post.add_category(struct, tag) - Passing a persisted struct will allow you to associate a new tag

Post.add_categories(struct, tags) - Passing a persisted struct will allow you to associate a new list of tags

Post.add_category(tag) - Add a Tag without associate it to a persisted struct, this allow you have tags availables in the context. Example using Post.categories

Post.remove_category(struct, tag) - Will allow you to remove the relation struct - tag, but the tag will persist.

Post.remove_category(tag) - Will allow you to remove a tag in the context Post - category. Tag and relations with Post will be deleted.

Post.rename_category(old_tag, new_tag) - Will allow you to rename the tag name.

Post.categories_list(struct) - List all associated tags with the given struct

Post.categories - List all associated tags with the module

Post.categories_queryable - Same as Post.categories but it returns a queryable instead of a list.

Post.tagged_with_category(tag) - Search for all resources tagged with the given tag

Post.tagged_with_categories(tags) - Search for all resources tagged with the given list tag

Post.tagged_with_query_category(queryable, tags) - Allow to concatenate ecto queries and return the query.

Post.tagged_with_query_categories(queryable, tags) - Same than previous function but allow to receive a list of tags

If you are using the plugin in a multi-tenant environment, then each function accepts 'opts' in order to pass the 'prefix' value to the database. Here is an example of passing tenant value as prefix.

Post.add_category(struct, tag, prefix: 'client_test') - Passing a persisted struct will allow you to associate a new tag

Working with functions

If you want you can use directly:









Multi-tenant tagging library for Elixir







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