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RollSync Auth service

Service is responsible to handle user authentication and registration.

Built using


How to run using Docker

  • Clone this repository

  • In project's root directory create two files

    1. integrations.env - used by docker-compose to pass some config to postgresql and pgadmin containers.
    # these credentials can be used to login to pgadmin web app running locally.
    [email protected]
    # Postgresql config , these will be default user/pass credentials
    1. .env - used by application to load config
    SECRET=<hext secret>
  • Run following in terminal in project root

    > docker compose up
  • To stop , press CTRL+C in terminal.


3 containers run when you run docker compose up.

  1. db - postgresql database container.
  2. pgadmin - GUI for postgresql database.
  3. api - this service's container.

First time setup for PgAdmin

when you run docker compose up for first time, it will start fresh containers. You will need to add configuration to PgAdmin tool to see the database.

  1. After containers are started go to http://localhost:8888.

  2. Login using PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL and PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD from integrations.env.

    Pgadmin Login

  3. On the right hand side menu, right click Servers -> Register -> Server.

    Add server

  4. In modal popup under General tab, give any name of your choice.

    Connection name

  5. Under Connection tab, provide values for host, port, username, password from .env file and hit save.

    connection config

  6. Now the database should be visible in the left pane under Servers, for more info visite tool docs or look around.

    pgadmin db pane

  7. Once this first time setup is done, next time you start docker compose up will not require this setup again.

How to debug

For debugging during development you can use VSCode debugger.

  1. First build the application locally (Although locally building is not needed with Docker, this allows setting up proper breakpoints), to build you run,

    > pnpm run build
  2. Start the containers

    > docker compose up
  3. Setup your breakpoints as needed


  4. Start the Debugger by pressing Ctrl+Shift+D or navigate to Run & Debug, from the dropdown select Docker: Attach to container option and hit green play button.

    attach debugger

  5. If everything goes well, you shoud see debugger controlls and you can debug.

Open API

Once container is running you can visit http://localhost:5000/docs to see swagger docs.

Contribution guidelines

  1. main is the production branch, all issue/feature branches will be created from main branch.

  2. Take an issue you want to implement.

  3. Create a branch from main for this issue

    creating branch for issue

  4. Checkout the branch locally and do your work.

  5. Once done push your changes and open a PR to merge into main.

  6. Once PR is approved by atleast 1 person, it can be merged.

Code quality

This Project is using Biome as Linter,formatter & Code analysis tool. Before you push your changes make sure you run ,

> pnpm run check

This runs a linter, formatter & code analysis tool. Please fix all linter errors , once you see message like below, you can push.

biome check

if you want to do linting and formatting separately then you can run below and fix separately.

> pnpm run format
> pnpm run lint


authentication service for rollsync app






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