#Tool and Technologies
Programming language: Python, Javascript
Frameworks and Libs: Pytorch, OpenCV, TensorFlow, Keras,Pandas, Scikit-learn, Plotly, W3.css, Inceptionv3
Technologies: NLP, Data analytics, State of art ML and DL like:- UlmFIT fine tune model, VGG16 DL Network, RandomForestRegrassor,Sequence to sequuence model
pip install -r requirements.txt
1. Accidents in the month of January, May and December are comparatively more than other months.
2. Accidents on Friday, Saturday and Sunday are relatively more than other weekdays.
3. Correlation of features tells us:
a. Accidents on bridges are more on narrow bridges and culverts.
b. Bottleneck accident spots are arterial roads, asphalted road separation and roads which are crest of hill.
4. Feature Relevance towards Road Accident
python heatmap_service.py
Run service from: