A Terraform module to create an ECS Fargate Task Definition which can be scheduled via CloudWatch Events, with the related CloudWatch Log Group and IAM resources.
Available through the Terraform registry.
- You want to create an ECS Fargate Task Definition and schedule its execution via CloudWatch Events.
- You have created a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and subnets where you intend to put the ECS resources.
- You have created a NAT Gateway in one of the public subnets of the VPC with necessary routes for traffic from the private subnets (needed for ECR integration).
- You have created an ECS Cluster and a Task Execution IAM Role.
- You have created an ECR Repository containing a Docker image that you want to deploy using the module.
A full example leveraging other community modules is contained in the /examples/complete
Here's the gist of using it via GitHub source:
module "fargate_task" {
source = "babbel/ecs-fargate-scheduled-task/aws"
region = "eu-west-1"
task_name = "fargate-task"
schedule_expression = "rate(30 minutes)"
ecs_cluster_arn = "my-cluster"
task_execution_role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-task-execution-role"
task_definition = "task-definition.json"
task_policy = "policy.json"
vpc_subnets = ["subnet-123456789abcdefgh", "subnet-abcdefgh123456789"]
vpc_security_groups = ["sg-123456789abcdefgh"]
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Created by Data Platfrom at Babbel.
MIT Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
assign_public_ip | (Optional) Assign a public IP to the EC2 instance running the Fargate task | bool | "false" |
no |
ecs_cluster_arn | (Required) ARN of the ECS Cluster where to deploy the Fargate task | string | n/a | yes |
logs_retention_days | (Optional) Retention days for logs of the Fargate task log group | number | "14" |
no |
platform_version | (Optional) Fargate platform version | string | "LATEST" |
no |
region | (Required) AWS region | string | n/a | yes |
schedule_expression | (Required) CRON schedule expression to trigger the Fargate task | string | n/a | yes |
task_cpu | (Optional) CPU value for the Fargate task | number | "256" |
no |
task_definition | (Required) Path to the Task Definition JSON file | string | n/a | yes |
task_execution_role_arn | (Required) ARN of the Task Execution Role for the Fargate task | string | n/a | yes |
task_memory | (Optional) Memory value for the Fargate task | number | "512" |
no |
task_name | (Required) Name of the Fargate task | string | n/a | yes |
task_policy | (Required) Path to the Task IAM Policy JSON file | string | n/a | yes |
vpc_security_groups | (Required) List of security groups for the EC2 instance running the Fargate task | list(string) | n/a | yes |
vpc_subnets | (Required) List of subnets were AWS will spawn an EC2 instance running the Fargate task | list(string) | n/a | yes |
Name | Description |
cloudwatch_event_iam_role_arn | ARN of the CloudWatch Events IAM Role |
cloudwatch_event_rule_id | Name of the CloudWatch Events Rule |
cloudwatch_log_group_name | Name of the CloudWatch log group |
scheduled_task_arn | ARN of the scheduled ECS Fargate Task Definition |
scheduled_task_family | Family of the scheduled ECS Fargate Task Definition |
scheduled_task_iam_role_arn | ARN of the ECS Fargate task IAM Role |