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Édes Balázs edited this page Feb 13, 2016 · 2 revisions



  1. You need git, node.js, NPM and Atom to be instaled.
  2. npm install -g typescript - This package is written in TypeScript
  3. npm install -g gulp - gulp is used to (continously) build .ts files.
  4. npm install -g typings - typings is used to pull in TypeScript definitions of commonly used js libraries

###start development:

  1. git clone - Clone the repo
  2. cd autocomplete-json - Go to the freshly cloned folder.
  3. npm install - Installs NPM dependencies.
  4. typings install - Installs TypeScript definitions.
  5. apm link . - This will tell Atom, to include this package.
  6. gulp watch - Watches for all .ts and .json file changes in lib.

###Preferably in another terminal/console

  1. cd folder-with-json-files - Go to a folder, where your test json files are.
  2. atom -d . - Start Atom in this folder in development mode.
  3. CTRL (CMD) + ALT + I - Open developer console.

###before pull request:

  1. gulp build - Cleans then populates the dist folder.
  2. Preferably squash the commits you worked on.
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