A simple app to perform basic Data Analysis operations on a csv/excel file!
This is a simple web application which can perform some of the basic Exploratory Data Analysis on any csv or excel files. Following are the funcionalities of the app:
- Chosse a local file (csv or excel), or choose a predefined file to begin the analysis
- Preview the dataset as per number of rows and columns selected
- Highlight number of missing values in each column
- Display datatypes of each column
- Display number of unique values in a column
- Display summary of numerical columns of the dataset
- Visualise heatmap of correlation matrix
- Display pie plot, bar plot, line plot, box plot, histogram, distribution plot
The EDA is the first operation on a dataset. This app performs some of the general functionalities on a csv file or excel file. Hope it helps to reduce the effort in writing EDA code from scratch. Please do ⭐ my repository if it helped you in any way.
The app is built with Streamlit framework in Python language. Streamlit is an open-source app framework for Machine Learning and Data Science teams. The app is deployed in Heroku. Heroku is a platform as a service (PaaS) that enables developers to build, run, and operate applications entirely in the cloud.
To run the app please click on the below link
- Please note that the app is deployed in free version of heroku account. So if you encounter this webapp as shown in the picture given below, it is occuring just because free dynos for this particular month provided by Heroku have been completely used. You can access the webpage on 1st of the next month.
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
- LinkedIn - Soumya Shankar Banerjee
- Gmail- [email protected]
- Project Link: Data Analysis app