These formula are intended to support research and development projects at BAVC pertaining to video digitization and quality control. See for more information.
These formula support BAVC's projects underway to design quality control tools and procedures for video preservation.
Firstly run brew update
. Then to tap these formulas in homebrew please run brew tap bavc/qctools
and the run brew install <formula>
to install from the formulas below.
This ffmpeg branch that includes an in-progress 'values' filter for analyzing raw video data. This can be install with brew install --HEAD bavc/qctools/ffmpeg
. If ffmpeg is already installed you may have to run brew rm ffmpeg
first. Please note that there is no stable release of this branch yet so installation is head-only.
This can be install with brew install --HEAD analyzeplay
. Please note that there is no stable release of this branch yet so installation is head-only.
This can be install with brew install --HEAD analyzeplot
. Please note that there is no stable release of this branch yet so installation is head-only.
BAVC: Quality Control Tools for Video Preservation
A/V Artifact Atlas