Carta Bus Three-js Project
- Plot current bus locations on google maps in real time
- Plot the routes that each bus takes over the map
- Plot the bus stops that are on each line
- Click on bus to see bus's stats: speed, id, etc
- Single page application using the following tools:
- node server
- express
- three.js
- dat.gui.js
- bustracker api
API Calls that need to be implemented: /bustime/api/v1
/gettime: args: none return: current system time
/getvehicles: args: vid - comma delimited list of vehicle IDs rt - comma delimited list of rt IDs return: vid, tmstmp, lat, lon, hdg, pid, pidlist, des, dly
/getroutes: args: none return: rt, rtnm
/getdirections args: rt return: dir (EastBound, WestBound, etc.)
/getstops args: rt, dir return: stopid, stopnm, lat, lon
/getpatterns args: pid -or- rt response: tldr comments: Use the getpatterns request to retrieve the set of geo-positional points and stops that when connected can be used to construct the geo-positional layout of a pattern (ie. route variation).