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6. Distributed computing
Diamond supports the parallel processing of large alignments on HPC clusters and supercomputers, spanning numerous compute nodes. Work distribution is orchestrated by Diamond via a shared file system typically available on such clusters, using lightweight file-based stacks and POSIX functionality.
To run Diamond in parallel, two steps need to be performed. First, during a short initialization run using a single process, the query and database are scanned and chunks of work are written to the file-based stacks on the parallel file system. Second, the actual parallel run is performed, where multiple DIAMOND processes on different compute nodes work on chunks of the query and the reference database to perform alignments and joins.
The initialization of a parallel run should be done (e.g. interactively on a
login node) using the parameters --multiprocessing --mp-init
as follows:
diamond blastp --db DATABASE.dmnd --query QUERY.fasta --multiprocessing --mp-init --tmpdir $TMPDIR --parallel-tmpdir $PTMPDIR
refers to a local temporary directory, whereas $PTMPDIR
refers to a directory in the parallel file system where the file-based stacks
containing the work packages will be created. Note that the size of the
chunking and thereby the number of work packages is controlled via the
The actual parallel run should be done using the parameter --multiprocessing
as follows:
diamond blastp --db DATABASE.dmnd --query QUERY.fasta -o OUTPUT_FILE --multiprocessing --tmpdir $TMPDIR --parallel-tmpdir $PTMPDIR
Note that $PTMPDIR
must refer to the same location as used during the
initialization, and it must be accessible from any of the compute nodes
involved. To launch the parallel processes on many nodes, a batch system such
as SLURM is typically used. For the output not a single stream is used but
rather multiple files are created, one for each query chunk.
The following script shows an example of how a massively parallel can be performed using the SLURM batch system on a supercomputer.
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --mem=185000
#SBATCH --nodes=520
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-core=2
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=80
#SBATCH --mail-type=none
#SBATCH --time=24:00:00
module purge
module load gcc impi
export SLURM_HINT=multithread
srun diamond FLAGS
refers to the aforementioned parallel flags for Diamond. Note that
the actual configuration of the nodes varies between machines, and therefore,
the parameters shown here are not of general applicability. It is recommended
to start with few nodes on small problems, first.
Parallel runs can be aborted and later resumed, and unfinished work packages from a previous run can be recovered and resubmitted in a subsequent run.
Using the option --multiprocessing --mp-recover
for the same value of
will scan the working directory and configure a new
parallel run including only the work packages that have not been completed
in the previous run.
Placing a file stop
in the working directory causes DIAMOND processes
to shut down in a controlled way after finishing the current work package.
After removing the stop
file, the multiprocessing run can be continued.
The granularity of the size of the work packages can be adjusted via the
which at the same time affects the memory requirements at
runtime. Parallel runs on more than 512 nodes of a supercomputer have been
performed successfully.