This is just bits an pieces of useful code. Some work together to form the base for simple embedded systems where an RTOS is not needed. Somewhat geared to cortex level arm processors but easily adaptable to most micros.
I use CEEDLING with GCC to do unit testing and off target development.
CEEDLING is a great wrapper around the Unity unit test framework with CMock and CException.
Last seen at
Nice tutorial is Here
crc8 functions
C macro wrapper and copy function for foreground objects that are updated in a lower priority task and fast switched by changing the main pointer. Allows setting multiple copies to allow copies of the pointer to operate for periods of time after switch.
sorted table lookup designed for sparse opcode decoding. Uses bsearch. Need to add the option for non-sparse table lookup switch which would just be an array dereference.
C queue macros for simple fifos
Make a queue of any type.
Also includes functions for making a Pool of any type. The pool entry can be
returned as a special wrapper type or as just a pointer to your object. In either
case the object can be returned to the pool with only the original returned pointer
so pooled items can be passed around, or added to queues. There are also optional
destructor functions that can be applied to any pool item returned. There are also
iterator functions for applying a function to all objects in a pool, all active
objects or all inactive objects.
General State machine with timed states, target state, and error state callbacks
simple unsigned roll-over timer functions for 16 and 32 bit timers.
more complex service for addind lists of pooled timers to a time source.
A prioritized task service that supports cooperative multitasking.
Callback on software timer package, uses swtimer.