Simple accordion control for your angular2 applications using bootstrap3. Does not depend of jquery. If you don't want to use it without bootstrap - simply create proper css classes. Please star a project if you liked it, or create an issue if you have problems with it.
Install npm module:
npm install ngx-accordion --save
If you are using system.js you may want to add this into
config:{ "map": { "ngx-accordion": "node_modules/ngx-accordion" }, "packages": { "ngx-accordion": { "main": "index.js", "defaultExtension": "js" } } }
Import AccordionModule
in your app and start using component:
<accordion [showArrows]="true" [closeOthers]="false" [expandAll]="true">
<accordion-group heading="Accordion heading">
Or <b>custom</b> <accordion-toggle>heading with clickable zone.</accordion-toggle>
Accordion group contents.
:Contains accordion groups.
Indicates if arrows should be shown or not. Default is false[closeOthers]="true|false"
Indicates if other opened groups should be automatically closed when you open a new group. Default is true[expandAll]="true|false"
Indicates if all panels should be expanded by default. Default is false. If expandAll is set to true, then the closeOthers option has no effect, since all panels are opened.
:Used inside
and represents a single collapsible panel.heading="Group heading"
Simple text group heading[disabled]="true|false"
Indicates if this group is disabled or not (expandable or not)(onOpen)="doSomethingOnOpen()"
Calls function when this accordion-group is opened(onClose)="doSomethingOnClose()"
Calls function when this accordion-group is closed(onToggle)="doSomethingOnToggle(isOpened)"
Calls function when this accordion-group is toggled<accordion-heading>
Content zone where you can put custom headings
:Used inside
to provide a custom clickable zone for the accordion heading. This is usable when you have clickable controls in your header (for example checkbox) and you don't want accordion to be opened/closed on click of this controls.
import {Component} from "@angular/core";
import {AccordionModule} from "ngx-accordion";
selector: "app",
template: `
<div class="container">
<!-- regular accordion -->
<accordion-group heading="About me">
Its all about me.
<accordion-group heading="Contacts">
This is content of the contacts
<accordion-group heading="Map">
Content of the Map
Custom heading
Its all about me.
<!-- regular accordion with first opened group -->
<accordion-group heading="About me" [isOpened]="true">
Its all about me.
<accordion-group heading="Contacts">
This is content of the contacts
<accordion-group heading="Map">
Content of the Map
<b>Custom</b> <i style="color: deeppink">heading</i>
Its all about me.
<!-- accordion with arrows -->
<accordion [showArrows]="true">
<accordion-group heading="About me">
Its all about me.
<accordion-group heading="Contacts">
This is content of the contacts
<accordion-group heading="Map">
Content of the Map
Custom heading
Its all about me.
<!-- accordion where you can close multiple groups -->
<accordion [closeOthers]="false">
<accordion-group heading="About me">
Its all about me.
<accordion-group heading="Contacts">
This is content of the contacts
<accordion-group heading="Map">
Content of the Map
Custom heading
Its all about me.
<!-- accordion where all items are expanded by default -->
<accordion [expandAll]="true">
<accordion-group heading="About me">
Its all about me.
<accordion-group heading="Contacts">
This is content of the contacts
<accordion-group heading="Map">
Content of the Map
Custom heading
Its all about me.
<!-- accordion with custom "clickable zone" -->
<accordion-group heading="About me">
Its all about me.
<accordion-group heading="Contacts">
This is content of the contacts
<accordion-group heading="Map">
Content of the Map
<input type="checkbox"> <accordion-toggle>Custom clickable heading</accordion-toggle>
Its all about me.
export class App {
imports: [
// ...
declarations: [
bootstrap: [
export class AppModule {
Take a look on samples in ./sample for more examples of usages.
- added "disabled" option to accordion group
- angular last version support
- fixed issue when accordion is used in ngFor
- added onOpen, onClose, onToggle event emitters to accordion group
- angular rc.6 support
- angular rc.5 support
- angular rc.2 support. Use older versions if you still using rc1.