This is an (archived) project called Battlefield 2 HUD Editor. This is a GUI tool I (bergerkiller) wrote back in 2010-2011 to edit HUD (heads up display) modules for Battlefield 2/2142.
You can find the binary you can run under:
HUD Editor/bin/debug
The FreeImage.dll installed by default is for 64bit machines. If you run 32bit, rename FreeImage.dll to FreeImage64.dll and rename FreeImage32.dll to FreeImage.dll.
Textures are archived in ".texlib" files, stored inside sub-folders inside the "Textures" folder. These are selectable under Settings -> Texture Filter. Here you can also find a creator tool to create new ones. It can also read raw files inside the sub-folder, so you can put your "Ingame" root folder inside such a sub-folder.
You can load/save HUD .con files under File.
Horizontally at the top are various tools/settings that can be used with the currently selected element. To the left vertically is a pop-up bar where all the HUD elements are listed. Here you can also make it render a specific GUI, as by default it shows all GUIs at the same time.
While not in active development, if people have pull requests for patches I will happily accept them. Do shoot me a message on discord as I probably won't notice such things appearing here
- Discord: bergerkiller#1742
- or join Refractor 2 Modding discord:
Back then I was just starting out learning programming in general, so code quality is pretty dreadful. I might supply a few patches here and there.
MIT License. Includes binaries for FreeImage (used for reading .dll/.tga files), for which I claim no ownership rights.