AtomicParsley is a lightweight command line program for reading, parsing and setting metadata into MPEG-4 files, in particular, iTunes-style metadata. It is useful to edit tags for movies,tv-shows and music-video's (.m4v), audio (.m4a) and ringtones (.m4r).
The original code v0.9.0, which was last updated in 2006 is located here:
For my project, I have forked the latest version I could find, dated 2014, from Dan Drusch. In 2019 I have manually merged new updates from sourceforge.
My instructions below are for OSX only; sorry.
I am now building using Xcode v9.4.1.
Under the Releases tab, you find a binary executable, signed with my developer account. To run it, allow "App Store and identified developers" in the "Security & Privacy" control panel.
Now that I'm using Xcode, the instructions below for a command-line build are not used.
I keep them here for reference- to show how this sourcec-code archive was created.
- Logon to
- Under "Developer Tools" download Xcode
- Under "Developer Tools" download Xcode command line tools (matching for your OS)
- Install Xcode
- Install Xcode command line tools
cd ~/Desktop
curl -OL
tar xzf autoconf-2.68.tar.gz
cd autoconf-2.68
sudo make install
cd ~/Desktop
curl -OL
tar xzf automake-1.11.tar.gz
cd automake-1.11
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install
cd ~/Desktop
mkdir zlib
cd zlib
curl -OL
tar xzf zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz
cd zlib-1.2.8
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install
find /usr/lib -name "*libz*"
mkdir ~/Github
cd ~/Github
git clone
cd atomicparsley
This will generate the AtomicParsley executeable.
cd ~/Github/atomicparsley
./configure --disable-universal
I am just using Xcode ...