Written on SublimeText using the following plugins:
- Git- For Github - https://github.com/kemayo/sublime-text-git
- Emmet- For html and css - https://github.com/sergeche/emmet-sublime
- Bootstrap - For bootstrap - https://github.com/JasonMortonNZ/bs3-sublime-plugin
- Format HTML, CSS, JSON - https://packagecontrol.io/packages/HTML-CSS-JS%20Prettify
- JQuery -
- AllAutoComplete - searches all open files to find matches while suggesting words - https://github.com/alienhard/SublimeAllAutocomplete
To autosave on sublime text:
Goto preferences > settings - default
Open the script, and search for the save_on_focus_lost. it will probably be set as false by default, set it to true and everytime you change the mouse focus out of sublime text it will autosave the file.