指定起点、终点(左右均可)和widget A,将A以抛物线的形式从起点运动到终点(在同一水平线上的话,效果啥样我也不清楚了)。
the function is you can give a start and end point(on left or right its compatible,but not in a horzontal line),and provide a widget.ParabolaAnimateWidget will animate the widget that you provide, from start to end point follow a parabola path.
add_cart_parabola: ^0.0.5
this a simple tool :), you can realize through this param's name; and clone this demo see more detail.
// rootkey传根部局的可以, 主要用于定位。
// rootkey is your rootWidget's key,it's help for location.
// callback这个是动画的回调,会带会当前动画的status
// callback is animation's status callback,
// controlRatio 控制点的系数,默认是2(小于1可能会有意想不到的效果)
// controlRatio default value is 2 (if it's smaller than 1, maybe cause some effect that you don't wanna see)
ParabolaAnimateWidget(rootKey,startOffset,endOffset,Icon(Icons.cancel,color: Colors.greenAccent,),callback,);
如果觉得有啥功能需要加上,可以告诉我,有时间我会加上去(具有通用性的) ,你也可以自己直接修改。
if you have some good thoughts about function, can tell me in there, i will add it soon(it's should be a common functional).