A Symfony implementation of the Mustache template rendering. This will add Mustache as a renderer in Symfony
- Installing
Just run following command with composer:
composer.phar require bobthecow/mustache-bundle
Lookup desired version constraint from packagist. After adding this run
composer.phar update
To actually download and use this bundle. Also add following line to your AppKernel.php
new Bobthecow\Bundle\MustacheBundle\BobthecowMustacheBundle()
Add rendererer to your config.yml
engines: ['twig', 'mustache']
- Using it
Like you would use twig. Just put your mustache file in your Resources\views folder using .mustache
as extension.
// Render Mustache template and return response
return $this->render('AcmeDemoBundle:Hello:index.html.mustache');
Or pass along the template in the Template() annotation
* @Template("AcmeDemoBundle:Hello:index.html.mustache")
public function indexAction()
return array();