To use this collection of scripts, first run setup.rb
. WARNING: This will
create a folder named 'require-data' and populate it with 10,000 empty Ruby
shell script outputs the current Ruby version, then executes the three bench_*.rb
scripts contained herein.
Here are the results running on my 2009 MacBook Pro with an SSD.
ruby 1.9.3p0 (2011-10-30 revision 33570) [x86_64-darwin10.8.0]
user system total real
require file 5.270000 0.990000 6.260000 ( 6.294892)
user system total real
require File.expand_path(file) 9.740000 0.630000 10.370000 ( 10.520523)
user system total real
require_relative file 9.830000 0.530000 10.360000 ( 10.486152)
ruby 1.9.2p290 (2011-07-09 revision 32553) [x86_64-darwin10.8.0]
user system total real
require file 9.750000 0.980000 10.730000 ( 10.902150)
user system total real
require File.expand_path(file) 11.080000 0.580000 11.660000 ( 11.750448)
user system total real
require_relative file 11.280000 0.490000 11.770000 ( 11.833554)
ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [i686-darwin11.2.0]
user system total real
require file 1.860000 1.470000 3.330000 ( 3.403609)
user system total real
require File.expand_path(file) 2.970000 0.480000 3.450000 ( 3.491446)