Setup Raspberry Pi as Headless
- Configure WiFi using wpa_supplicant.conf in boot partition
- Configure SSH using "ssh" file in boot partition
- Update the packages
Find the IP & ssh in - [email protected]
Install Docker curl -fsSL -o sudo sh sudo usermod -aG docker pi
logout & ssh back in
Install docker-compose This is different than the "official" way due to supported archs
sudo apt-get install -y libffi-dev libssl-dev python3 python3-pip sudo pip3 install docker-compose
Install Shinobi (Docker) -bash <(curl -s
- This doesn't work, as Shinobi (official) doesn't provide arm32 images*
Build Shinobi Docker using the "Build from Source" instructions
- This takes a while on the Raspberry Pi
TODO: Ensure Docker and Shinobi start up again, figure out if a build can be created here
- Hikvision DB1
- FTP config: Camera name should be set to shinobi camera name, enable "parent" with name as the camera name. Item name should be timestamp or whatever - it will always be deleted
- Webhooks don't work with discord out of the box for some reason (or IFTT)