My space on the internet.
- Install
: - Set up Elixir and Erlang versions used by project:
asdf install
- Install dependencies:
mix deps.get
- Compile the code:
mix compile
- Set up the database:
mix ecto.setup
(sqlite is used for the database) - Seed the database with dev data (optional):
mix run priv/repo/dev_seeds.exs
- Run the server:
iex -S mix phx.server
- Navigate to http://localhost:4000
- Run
mix hex.outdated
to see status of deps - Run
mix deps.update --all
to update deps that won't break (according to semver) - To update other deps, edit
with the new version and runmix deps.get
For new versions of either:
- Update
- Run
asdf install
- Update
- For this one you need to match the Dockerimage base image with the proper version in Dockerhub
- See for available image tags
- Run
fly deploy
to deploy code to - Verify rollout is successful
- Connect to production instance:
fly ssh console
- Connect to running system via iex:
./bin/my_personal_space remote