A game engine made from scratch (no engine, no lib) for the purpose of studying game development. It's using canvas API with 2d context (Software rendering).
some demos has debug option pressing "D" or "Space"
Create your project structure :
- App/
- Index.html
- Script.js
- EmagJS/
App/index.html :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- viewport -->
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<!-- EmagJS initializer script -->
<script src="../EmagJS/initializer.js" initScript="Script.js"></script>
initScript indicates the very first script to execute after EmagJS lib is loaded.
That's all you need to start using the engine :D
// example movie
let example = new Movie('example')
// main scene
example.addScene('main', {
// scene depth index
index: 1,
// scene background color
backgroundColor: 'white',
// scene FPS - default 60
FPS: 60,
// scene resolution - auto resize to best fit to device
width: 256,
height: 256,
// on create scene - only once
onCreate: (scene) => {
// create your objects here
scene.box = new Sprite(new Vector(scene.width * 0.5, scene.height * 0.5), 50, 50, 'orange', 2)
// ever you enter main scene
onEnter: (scene) => {
// when comming from another movie
// add some logic here
// scene loop
onLoop: (scene, dt) => {
// update your objects here
scene.box.position.x += 1 * dt
if (scene.box.position.x > scene.width + scene.box.width * 0.5)
scene.box.position.x = -scene.box.width
// scene draw
onDraw: (scene) => {
// draw your objects here
// ever window resize or orientation change (mobile)
onResize: (scene) => {
// ...
scene.box.fillColor = 'hsl(' + random(360, false /* signed */) + ', 100%, 50%)'
// UI scene
example.addScene('UI', {
index: 2,
fullscreen: true,
onCreate: (scene) => {
scene.A = new Sprite(new Vector(60, 60), 50, 50, 'transparent', 2)
scene.B = new Sprite(new Vector(scene.width - 60, 60), 50, 50, 'transparent', 2)
scene.C = new Sprite(new Vector(scene.width - 60, scene.height - 60), 50, 50, 'transparent', 2)
onDraw: (scene) => {
onResize: (scene) => {
scene.B.position.x = scene.width - 60
scene.C.position.update(scene.width - 60, scene.height - 60)
// add movie to stage
// start playing example movie
Create your project structure :
- App/
- Assets/
- knight.png
- Index.html
- Preload.js
- Game.js
- Assets/
- EmagJS/
App/index.html :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- viewport -->
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<!-- EmagJS initializer script -->
<script src="../EmagJS/initializer.js" initScript="Preload.js"></script>
initScript indicates Preload.js as the first script to be executed.
// preload all assets here
// PreloadFile can preload png|jpg|mp3|wave|js|ttf|txt|json|xml
// preloaded files will be stored in global scope variable assets (or any other variable name)
// example : let knightImage = assets.images.knight
let assets = new PreloadFile([
{ knight: 'Assets/knight.png' }
// after all assets are loaded
assets.oncomplete = () => {
// preload Game.js - our main script
new PreloadFile([{ game: 'Game.js' }])
// example2 movie
let example2 = new Movie('example2')
// main scene
example2.addScene('main', {
width: 400,
height: 400,
onCreate: (scene) => {
// vector with scene center
let center = new Vector(scene.width * 0.5, scene.height * 0.5)
// create a sprite
scene.knight = new Sprite(new Vector(center.x, center.y + 50), 16, 16, 'transparent', 0)
// set sprite image
scene.knight.image = new SpriteSheet(assets.images.knight, 16, 16)
// create some animations
scene.knight.addAnimation('idle', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], Infinity /* repeat count */, 12 /* FPS */)
scene.knight.addAnimation('run', [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15], 3, 18)
// set current animation
// sprite sheet from assets/knight.png
scene.spriteSheetView = new Sprite(new Vector(center.x, center.y - 20), 128, 96, 'transparent', 2)
scene.spriteSheetView.image = new ImageProcessor(assets.images.knight)
// scene loop
onLoop: (scene, dt) => {
// update your objects here
// some logic to change animation
if (mousedown || touches.length) {
} else {
// scene draw
onDraw: (scene) => {
// draw your objects here
// draw knight
// draw sprite sheet view
// add movie to stage
// start playing example2 movie
let movie1 = new Movie('movie1')
movie1.addScene('main', {
width: 768,
height: 144,
backgroundColor: 'white',
onCreate: (scene) => {
// creates an image processor object loading image from assets
let imageProcessor = new ImageProcessor(assets.images.bg)
// creates an image shade (array of images) with original image colors (4 colors - shades of green)
scene.shadeImages = imageProcessor.createShades('l2d' /* light to dark */)
// you can get image colors as well
// imageProcessor.getColors('d2l')
// output : [
// [40, 66, 41] <- darken
// [83, 121, 60]
// [168, 186, 74]
// [210, 226, 155] <- lighter
// ]
// creates a background sprite - to be revealed
scene.background1 = new Sprite(new Vector(0, 0), 768, 144, 'transparent', 0)
scene.background1.anchor.x = scene.background1.anchor.y = 0
scene.background1.image = scene.shadeImages[0]
// creates a second background using a different shade - surface
scene.background2 = new Sprite(new Vector(0, 0), 768, 144, 'transparent', 0)
scene.background2.anchor.x = scene.background2.anchor.y = 0
scene.background2.image = scene.shadeImages[2]
scene.background2.compositeOperation = 'destination-atop'
// creates a mask
scene.mask = new Circle(new Vector(140, 70), 30, 'black', 0)
// composite operation to show what comes before it
scene.mask.compositeOperation = 'destination-in'
// other random object
scene.otherObject = new Sprite(new Vector(scene.width * 0.5, 70), 50, 50, 'royalblue', 0)
// shaded images preview
scene.shades = []
// shade 1
let shade1 = new Sprite(new Vector(80, 10), 60, 60, 'transparent', 2)
shade1.anchor.x = shade1.anchor.y = 0
shade1.image = scene.shadeImages[0].clone().crop(100, 50, 60, 60)
// shade 2
let shade2 = new Sprite(new Vector(145, 10), 60, 60, 'transparent', 2)
shade2.anchor.x = shade2.anchor.y = 0
shade2.image = scene.shadeImages[1].clone().crop(100, 50, 60, 60)
// shade 3
let shade3 = new Sprite(new Vector(210, 10), 60, 60, 'transparent', 2)
shade3.anchor.x = shade3.anchor.y = 0
shade3.image = scene.shadeImages[2].clone().crop(100, 50, 60, 60)
// shade 4
let shade4 = new Sprite(new Vector(275, 10), 60, 60, 'transparent', 2)
shade4.anchor.x = shade4.anchor.y = 0
shade4.image = scene.shadeImages[3].clone().crop(100, 50, 60, 60)
scene.shades.push(shade1, shade2, shade3, shade4)
// pulse
scene.pulse = 0
onLoop: (scene, dt) => {
// convert global coordinate to viewport coordinate
let mouseViewPort = globalToViewport(mouse, scene)
// circle follows mouse
scene.mask.position.update(mouseViewPort.x, mouseViewPort.y)
// pulse effect
scene.mask.radius = 30 + ((Math.cos(scene.pulse * 0.08) * 2) * dt)
onDraw: (scene) => {
// render background 1
// render other object
// render mask
// render background 2
// draw shades preview
scene.shades.map((shade) => shade.draw(scene.graphics))
In real world it would be better to separate ball and paddles in classes.
let warning = new Movie('warning')
let cyberPong = new Movie('cyberPong')
warning.addScene('main', {
backgroundColor: 'black',
fullscreen: true,
onCreate: (scene) => {
// create warning text
scene.message = new Text('rotate your device!', new Vector, 'unknown', 'white', 14)
onEnter: (scene) => {
// center message
scene.message.position.update(scene.width * 0.5 - 80, scene.height * 0.5 - 10)
onLoop: (scene) => {
// back to game
onDraw: (scene) => {
// draw message
cyberPong.addScene('overlay', {
index: 1,
blend: 'soft-light',
onLoop: (scene) => {
scene.canvas.style.backgroundColor = 'hsl(' + (140 + random(140, 0)) + ', 100%, 50%)'
cyberPong.addScene('main', {
fullscreen: true,
backgroundColor: 'black',
onCreate: (scene) => {
// collision handler
scene.collision = new CollisionHandler()
// sound
scene.sound = new SoundFx()
// play theme music
scene.sound.play(assets.sounds.music, .3, 'music', true)
onEnter: (scene) => {
// create ball shape
scene.ball = new Shape(new Square, new Vector(scene.width * 0.5, scene.height * 0.5), (scene.width * 0.025) | 0, (scene.width * 0.025) | 0, 'white', 0)
// create ball physic body
scene.ball.body = new Body(scene.ball)
// ball start velocity
scene.ball.body.velocity.x = scene.width * 0.020
// ball trail container
scene.ball.trails = []
// ball trail spawn timer
scene.ball.trailTimer = new Timer(10)
// create trail pool
scene.ball.trailPool = new ObjectPool(() => {
// create new trail object
let trail = new Sprite(new Vector, scene.ball.width, scene.ball.height, 'white', 0)
return trail
}, (trail) => {
// reset trail object
trail.width = trail.height = scene.ball.width + random(scene.ball.width * 0.2, 0)
trail.alpha = 1
trail.fillColor = 'hsl(' + random(360, 0) + ', 100%, 70%)'
trail.compositeOperation = 'lighter'
trail.shadowBlur = trail.width
trail.shadowColor = 'cyan'
return trail
// bounce particle container
scene.particles = []
// create particle pool
scene.particlePool = new ObjectPool(() => {
// create new particle object
let particle = new Sprite(new Vector, 5, 5, 'white', 0)
// particle physic body
particle.body = new Body(particle)
// particle gravity
particle.body.gravity = new Vector(0, .3)
return particle
}, (particle) => {
// reset particle object
particle.body.velocity.update(random(8), -random(8, 0))
particle.body.mass = random(2, 0)
particle.width = particle.height = random(scene.ball.width * 0.3, 0)
particle.fillColor = 'hsl(' + random(360, 0) + ', 100%, 70%)'
particle.alpha = 1
particle.compositeOperation = 'lighter'
particle.shadowBlur = 5
particle.shadowColor = 'cyan'
return particle
// create walls shape
scene.walls = [
new Shape(new Square, new Vector(scene.width * 0.5, (((scene.height * 0.05) | 0) * 0.5)), scene.width, (scene.height * 0.05) | 0, 'white', 0),
new Shape(new Square, new Vector(scene.width * 0.5, scene.height - (((scene.height * 0.05) | 0) * 0.5)), scene.width, (scene.height * 0.05) | 0, 'white', 0),
// create paddles
scene.leftPaddle = new Shape(new Square, new Vector(scene.width * 0.5 - scene.width * 0.40, scene.height * 0.5), (scene.width * 0.02) | 0, (scene.height * 0.25) | 0, 'white', 0)
scene.rightPaddle = new Shape(new Square, new Vector(scene.width - ((scene.width * 0.1) | 0), scene.height * 0.5), (scene.width * 0.02) | 0, (scene.height * 0.25) | 0, 'white', 0)
scene.paddles = [scene.leftPaddle, scene.rightPaddle]
// paddle trail container
scene.paddleTrail = []
// paddle trail spawn timer
scene.paddleTrailTimer = new Timer(10)
// create paddle trail pool
scene.paddleTrailPool = new ObjectPool(() => {
// create new paddle trail object
let trail = new Sprite(new Vector, scene.leftPaddle.width, scene.leftPaddle.height, 'white', 0)
return trail
}, (trail) => {
// reset paddle trail object
trail.alpha = 1.4
trail.width = scene.leftPaddle.width
trail.height = scene.leftPaddle.height
trail.fillColor = 'hsl(' + random(360, 0) + ', 100%, 10%)'
trail.compositeOperation = 'lighter'
return trail
// score font size
let fontSize = scene.width * 0.10 | 0
// create left score
scene.leftScore = new Text('0', new Vector, 'unknown', 'rgba(255,255,255,0.2)', fontSize)
scene.leftScore.position.x = (scene.width * 0.5) - ((scene.width * 0.10) | 0) - scene.leftScore.width * 0.5
scene.leftScore.position.y = scene.height * 0.5
// create right score
scene.rightScore = new Text('0', new Vector, 'unknown', 'rgba(255,255,255,0.2)', fontSize)
scene.rightScore.position.x = (scene.width * 0.5) + ((scene.width * 0.10) | 0) - scene.rightScore.width * 0.5
scene.rightScore.position.y = scene.height * 0.5
// score container
scene.scores = [scene.leftScore, scene.rightScore]
// vertical dash line
let dashHeight = scene.height * 0.05
// vertical space between dash
let dashSpace = 1
// number of dash needed to fill scene height
let nDash = Math.round(((scene.height - (scene.walls[0].height + scene.walls[1].height)) / (dashHeight * dashSpace)))
// dash container
scene.dashLine = []
// create dash
for (let i = 0; i < nDash; i++) {
let dash = new Sprite(new Vector(scene.width * 0.5, (scene.walls[0].position.y + scene.walls[0].height * 0.5 + dashHeight * 0.5 * dashSpace) + i * (dashHeight * dashSpace)), scene.width * 0.008 | 0, dashHeight * 0.5, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)', 0)
// create light
scene.light = new VisibilityPolygon(scene.ball.body.position, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)')
// light radius
scene.light.colorRadius1 = scene.width * 0.3
// add paddles to cast shadows
// score timer to blink screen
scene.scoreTimer = new Timer(200)
onLoop: (scene, dt) => {
// if not landscape
// cast rays
// update ball physic body
// move left paddle
scene.leftPaddle.position.y = mouse.y
// right paddle follows ball
let distanceFromBall = scene.rightPaddle.position.y - scene.ball.body.position.y
scene.rightPaddle.position.y -= distanceFromBall * 0.1
// check collision with paddles
scene.paddles.map((paddle) => {
// if colliding
if (scene.collision.check(scene.ball, paddle)) {
// calculate y bounce
let y = scene.ball.body.position.y - paddle.position.y
// if colliding with right paddle
if (scene.ball.body.position.x > scene.width * 0.5) {
// if ball velocity x is "facing" right paddle
if (scene.ball.body.velocity.x > 0) {
// bounce x and y
scene.ball.body.velocity.x *= -1
scene.ball.body.velocity.y = y * .2
} else { // colliding with left paddle
// if ball velocity x is "facing" left paddle
if (scene.ball.body.velocity.x < 0) {
// bounce x and y
scene.ball.body.velocity.x *= -1
scene.ball.body.velocity.y = y * .2
// create some particles
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// shake scene
stage.shake(300, 8)
// play bounce sound
scene.sound.play(assets.sounds.bounce, 3)
// check collision with walls
scene.walls.map((wall) => {
// if colliding
if (scene.collision.check(scene.ball, wall)) {
// colliding with bottom wall
if (scene.ball.body.position.y > scene.height * 0.5) {
// if ball velocity y is "facing" bottom wall
if (scene.ball.body.velocity.y > 0) {
// bounce y velocity
scene.ball.body.velocity.y *= -1
} else { // colliding with top wall
// if ball velocity y is "facing" top wall
if (scene.ball.body.velocity.y < 0) {
// bounce y velocity
scene.ball.body.velocity.y *= -1
// avoid stick to the wall
if (scene.ball.body.velocity.y == 0)
scene.ball.body.velocity.y = -1
// create some particles
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// shake scene
// play bounce sound
// start score timer
// scores point
if (scene.ball.body.position.x < scene.ball.width || scene.ball.body.position.x > scene.width - scene.ball.width) {
// left paddle scores
if (scene.ball.body.velocity.x > 0) {
scene.leftScore.text = parseInt(scene.leftScore.text) + 1
scene.leftScore.position.x = (scene.width * 0.5) - ((scene.width * 0.10) | 0) - scene.leftScore.width * 0.5
} else { // right paddle scores
scene.rightScore.text = parseInt(scene.rightScore.text) + 1
scene.rightScore.position.x = (scene.width * 0.5) + ((scene.width * 0.10) | 0) - scene.rightScore.width * 0.5
// reset ball position
scene.ball.body.position.update(scene.width * 0.5, scene.height * 0.5)
// reset ball x velocity
scene.ball.body.velocity.x = Math.abs(scene.ball.body.velocity.x)
// reset ball y velocity
scene.ball.body.velocity.y = 0
// create some particles
for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
// shake scene
stage.shake(300, 8)
// play score sound
// change light shadow color
scene.light.shadowColor = 'rgba(255, 0, 200, 0.3)'
// reset score timer
// reset light shadow
if (scene.scoreTimer.count > 3)
scene.light.shadowColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)'
// start trail timer
// start paddle trail timer
// create trail particle
if (scene.ball.trailTimer.tick)
// create paddle trail
if (scene.paddleTrailTimer.tick) {
// left paddle trail
let leftTrail = scene.paddleTrailPool.create()
// right paddle trail
let rightTrail = scene.paddleTrailPool.create()
scene.paddleTrail.push(leftTrail, rightTrail)
// fade out ball trails
scene.ball.trails.map((trail, i) => {
trail.alpha -= .12 * dt
if (trail.alpha < 0) {
scene.ball.trails.splice(i, 1)
// fade out paddle trails
scene.paddleTrail.map((trail, i) => {
trail.alpha -= .12 * dt
if (trail.alpha < 0) {
scene.paddleTrail.splice(i, 1)
// fade out particles
scene.particles.map((particle, i) => {
// update particle physic body
// apply gravity
particle.alpha -= .02 * dt
if (particle.alpha < 0) {
scene.particles.splice(i, 1)
onDraw: (scene) => {
// draw light
// draw scores
scene.scores.map((score) => score.draw(scene.graphics))
// draw dash line
scene.dashLine.map((dash) => dash.draw(scene.graphics))
// draw ball trail
scene.ball.trails.map((trail) => trail.draw(scene.graphics))
// draw paddle trail
scene.paddleTrail.map((trail) => trail.draw(scene.graphics))
// draw particle
scene.particles.map((particle) => particle.draw(scene.graphics))
// draw paddles
scene.paddles.map((paddle) => paddle.draw(scene.graphics))
// draw walls
scene.walls.map((wall) => wall.draw(scene.graphics))
// draw ball